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Slam. My hand came down hard on top of my alarm clock. 5:00. It's too early to exist.
I hopped out of bed and rushed to get dressed, throwing on my uniform for UA High.
I'm nervous... I think to myself. It's my first day and I'm already having a panic attack. "Hopefully I'll know someone there. I wonder if Katsu-kun is going there?" I say out loud, not caring since I live alone.
I grab my phone and look at the clock.
It takes me an hour to get to the train station, looking around for someone to try to get to know. One person stands out; a boy with green hair. He looks nervous.
The train pulls into the station and I end up next the the green haired boy.
"Hello, I'm (y/n) (l/n)." I greet him quietly as to not scare him.
He didn't answer for a few moments, seemingly muttering to himself. I gently tapped him and he freaked out.
"AAAAAHHHH!!!!" He squealed.
"AAAAAHHHHH!!!" I screamed back.
"I'm so sorry! I was thinking about who might be in my class at school. I go to UA." He beamed.
"Oh hey me too!" I smiled back gently. "Which class?"
"O-oh! I'm in 1-A! Wh-what about you?" He blushed deeply as though he had never talked to a girl before.
"I'm in 1-A too. My name is (y/n) (l/n). My quirk is time manipulation. I can freeze time and move people through time to different eras." I grin wildly.

☆Time skip brought to you by hot Shigaraki( dont judge me I found it and I likey)☆
As soon as we walked in yelling and small explosions could be heard. I rolled my eyes and opened the door. A tall and robotic like boy was gesturing at a blonde and spikey haired- Katsuki?
My face dropped and I pulled my hood up and sat behind him, finding it to be my assigned seat. I laid my head on my arms and tried ignoring everyone. I heard him turn around he clicked his tongue.
"Hey hoodie, why are you behind me?" He growled.
"Its my assigned seat. I'm sorry you won't even know I'm here." I say quietly.
He tapped on the back of my head, signaling he wanted me to look up. I buried my head deeper. He then pulled the hood from my head, causing my (h/l) (h/c) hair to fall all over the place.
I slowly reached into my bag and pulled out my kawaii mask and put it on. I then looked up at him slowly.
"Hello." I say shyly.
He stared at me for what seemed like forever and then rolled his eyes.
"Why are you wearing that ugly ass thing? It's stupid." He snarls before turning to face the front where a yellow sleeping bag rolled over to face the class.

☆Time skip brought to you by banana Aizawa☆

As I walked home, I felt like someone was following me so I walked faster.

"Oi, why are you walking so fast?" I heard a familiar voice ask from behind me making me stop dead in my tracks.
Shit I can't get to my mask to cover my face. I thought and hid my face behind my hand and turned around to face him. "Oh hi Katsu- Bakugou." I say quietly.
"Why do you hide your face from me but nobody else? AM I NOT GOOD ENOUGH TO SEE??!!!" He screams in my face causing me to tear up and silently cry.
"N-n-no..." I say in between sobs, "I-I-I-"
He cuts me off. "Listen don't go around showing your face to everyone but me. It pushes me the fuck off. Especially when you show your face to that damn nerd Deku." He says angrily.
"S-Sorry..." I say louder as I look down.
Then he does something that I have never seen or felt Katsu-kun do.
He wrapped his arms around me and hugged me tightly.
"Come to my place for dinner. It's the least I can do after upsetting you." He blushes causing me to cover me face with both hands.
"O-okay." I smile behind my hand. I hope Mitsuki doesnt recognize me. I think to myself.

Sorry it's short but I haven't written in a long time. If you're bored check out my other book that's an OC insert of Supernatural!! Its called. Hunting for Family. Au revoir!! Until next time my beautiful children.

Katsu-kun?~ (Bakugou Katsuki X Reader)☆REWORK IN PROGRESS☆Where stories live. Discover now