first fight.

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lowkey spice
main pov
age 15/16

el and mike were sitting next to each other on the couch watching one of el's soaps. the two hadn't talked at all after what had happened at the mall today.

a girl walked up to them and asked mike where she could find scoops ahoy ice cream. and that would have been fine if she wasn't so touchy with him.

mike didn't seem to notice but el sure did. the girl, amy, who apparently goes to school with mike kept laughing and putting her hand on his chest and shoulder while giving el a few dirty looks here and there.

el had had it when amy gave him an unnecessarily long hug good bye. she used her powers to trip amy as she walked away. amy was embarrassed thinking she had just tripped over her own feet, but mike knew what happened when he saw his girlfriend wipe her nose afterwards staining her shirt sleeve red.

fast forward to now, el is still ignoring him and mike has not a clue why. suddenly, mike got up and turned off the tv before turning towards his girlfriend.

"el let's go to your room" mike said wanting to talk about what happened.

el not replying got up and followed mike to her bedroom. they walked in and el sat on the bed while mike closed the door.

"why haven't you been talking to me?" mike asked genuinely confused. el just shrugged and picked up and comic book, paying no attention to her boyfriend.

"el did i do something wrong?" mike said slowly getting annoyed.

"yes." replied el with the first word she had said to him in hours. though she still sat there eyes not leaving the comic she was barley even reading.

"care to tell me what i did?" asked mike.

"you seriously don't know?" asked el with an annoyed facial expression. her eyebrows were furrowed and she scrunched her nose.

"obviously not. now will you just tell me?" mike said getting a little more annoyed.

"well if you don't know then you're just dumb." said el returning her gaze back to her comic book.

mike getting mad at his girlfriend for treating him this way went over to her and pulled the comic out of her hand and threw it on the bed make her pay attention to him.

"if i'm so dumb then explain to me what happened because apparently i can't understand." said mike.

"oh you really don't know?" said eleven getting up to stand up to him even though he was much taller. "fine how's this?"

"oh mike where could i find scoops ahoy?" she said with a high pitched voice trying imitate amy.

"what are you talking about el?" said mike even more confused.

"ha ha you're so funny mike." she said in the same voice rubbing both his shoulders. mike knowing exactly what she was talking about backed away to say something, but eleven just kept going.

"i just love ice cream and you sooo much." she said hitting his chest.

"el chill out she's just a friend." said mike pushing her back, but not too hard.

this sent el over the edge. she pulled him by the collar and pushed him so he was sitting on the edge of the bed.

"friends don't touch like that mike." said el fuming.

"touch like what eleven?" mike said getting up and walking to the other side of the room.

"you know what i'm talking about. how would you like it if lucas touched me like amy touched you?" she said raising her voice and walking towards mike.

"you're just jealous of amy. and you know what, you're acting crazy." said mike stepping closer to el.

"i'm crazy? no your crazy." el yelled while taking another step towards mike so now they were inches apart.

they stood there for a couple second glaring at each other before they slammed they're lips onto one another kissing for a few seconds before mike picked el up throwing her on the bed, but not too harsh.

mike hovered over her kissing her hard before el flipped them to where she was straddling him.

"i'm still mad at you." she said before reconnecting their lips.

"i'm mad at you too." said mike cupping her cheeks and kissing her again.

they made out for a few more minutes before laying down next to each other. mike had his arms around her and she had her leg around his torso.


"yes mike?"

"i'm sorry."

"i'm sorry too."

"for what? i'm the one who was clueless."

"i shouldn't have got mad... or hit you."

"it's okay el i understand."

"no. i was mean to you. i feel bad." el said as her eyes started to water.

"hey." mike said sitting them up. "do not feel bad you were just upset."

"promise we won't ever fight again." el said pecking his cheek.


and with that they drifted off to sleep in each other arms.

832 words
first chapter and idk how i'm feelin.
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