not fair.

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age 14/15
mike's pov

it's saturday and el and i are just laying on the couch watching a movie. she has been acting a bit weird all day, but i have no clue why.

i decided to pause the movie and ask. the party was coming over in a little bit and i wanted to talk to her before they showed up.

i turned to el on the couch, held her hands, and asked, "el is something wrong?"

el just shrugged her shoulders and replied, "no i'm okay."

"are you sure? you can talk to me." i said squeezing her hands letting her know it's okay.

"mike i'm okay" she said cupping my cheeks and giving me a quick peck on the lips, "my stomach just hurts is all."

"do you want any medicine? i think we have tums." i offered trying to help.

"no i'm okay. thank you." she leaned in and kissed my lips for a few seconds before i pulled her on my lap wrapping my arms around her.

then out of no where we heard whistling coming from the steps. el jumped off me when we realized it was max making the noise with the rest of the party.

"nice one mikey." dustin said clapping me on the back.

"hey max you wanna do that later?" lucas said nudging max and wiggling his eyebrows.

"you better watch yourself." max said punching him and pecking his lips.

"this is gross. we should play d&d." will suggested.

"alright i'm down." i replied going to to set the game up, "who's playing?"

"el and i are gonna read this new magazine." max said holding it up.

"okay." i said before pecking el on the cheek and returning to set up the game.

"actually i'm going to go to the bathroom real quick." el said.

after about five minutes of the game and max reading her magazine i heard someone screaming, el screaming.

"max! oh my god! max help!" i heard el screaming from the bathroom.

me and max ran upstairs to the door pushing each other to get there faster.

"mike she yelled for me not you." max said pushing me.

"well what if she's in pain. she needs me." i said pushing her back.

"mike don't come in. i need max." i heard el say and this broke my heart.

max gave me an i told you so look and walked in to the bathroom.

"fine well i'll be here in the hallway if you need me." i said sliding down the wall, sitting down the floor.

after about ten minutes of listening to parts of the conversation i heard things like don't tell mike, i think i'm dying, and this is not fair, max walked out but not el.

"i-is she okay?" i asked frantically.

"chill out wheeler. where's your sister?" max said.

"what does baby holly have to do with this?" i asked confused.

"no dingus, nancy."

"in her room why?"

"just show me where her room is."

"fine." i said leading her to nancy's room.

once we got there max said that el needed her help with "girl stuff", whatever that means, and she was in the bathroom.

nancy made her way to the bathroom entering along with max, once again leaving me in the hallway. after about 15 more minutes they all came out of the bathroom. el looked really sad.

"el are you okay?" i asked giving her the tightest hug.

"yes i'm okay." she said pecking my cheek, "but can i talk to you? in your room."

"sure el." i said holding her hand and leading her to my room.

i closed the door and we sat down on the bed.

"what did you want to talk to me about? and what's wrong?" i asked eager.

"that's what i wanted to talk to you about." she said looking down, "i'm on my period?" el said quiet and more as a question.

"oh el i-it'll be okay." i said giving her a comforting hug not really knowing what else to do.

"it hurts." she said.

"what hurts el? your stomach?" i asked worried.

"yes." she simply replied.

"come here." i said motioning over so we could lay on my bed.

i laid with my back against my pillows with her in between my legs and her back against my stomach. we laid there with me rubbing her stomach for a few minutes.

"mike?" el asked.

"yes el?"

"do you have period?"

"no" i said laughing a little, "boys don't get periods."

"well that's not fair." el said.

"i know el."

"nancy said it's my body's way of saying i can have a baby. at least that's what i got out of it." el said more talking to herself than me, "mike can we have a baby?"

"not right now." i said freezing.


"well we are too young and don't think hopper would be very happy, but one day we will."

"cool... and mike?"


"can you keep doing what you were doing to my stomach?" she said giggling, "it felt good."

"of course." i said continuing to rub it. "this is what my mom would do for me whenever my stomach was upset as a kid."

just then hopper walked in.

"wheeler... hands off my daughter." hopper said trying to keep his composure. i instantly stopped rubbing her stomach, but she remained on top of me making me nervous.

"hopper why are you here?" el asked.

"nice to see you too."

"well nice to see you, but i thought i was staying later."

"well nancy called me and told me what happened." he explained, "and after seeing this it's probably best you come home."

"but i want to stay."

"no way."

"hopper." she whined

"no say good bye to wheeler and i'll think about you coming back tomorrow."

"fine" she said with attitude, then immediately softened when talking to me, "goodnight mike."

"goodnight el." i said pecking her lips.

then she went home with hopper and i returned to the basement to finish the game of d&d.
1016 words
this one has kind of a shitty ending.
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