we're tired.

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age 14/15
main pov

it was saturday morning, around 8 o'clock in the morning and mike was getting ready to go over to el's cabin. him, el, and the party would be meeting there today and then going to the arcade.

although the party hadn't planned on meeting up until noon, mike wanted to get there early to surprise his girlfriend.

mike threw on one of his usual striped shirts, some jeans, and his converse. he ran his hands through his hair multiple times before groaning and giving up on trying to make it look decent.

mike ran downstairs and entered the kitchen to find something he could eat quickly for breakfast. he settled on a bowl of cereal and made his way to the table where holly and nancy sat.

"good morning holly." mike said cheerfully.

"good morning mike." she said back just as happily.

"why are you in such a good mood?" karen asked her son from the kitchen.

"because nancy is taking me to see el." he explained.

"you're still taking me, right nance?" mike asked to make sure.

"for the one hundredth time mike, yes. now stop eating so fast before you choke." she told him.

mike finished his cereal quickly and ran out to nancy's car. he sat in the passenger's seat impatiently while bouncing his legs up and down waiting for nancy.

nancy put the car in drive and backed out of their driveway.

"is there anyway you could drive faster?" mike asked her.

"jesus mike chill out. i'm not trying to get a ticket." nancy said annoyed with her little brother.

"fine." mike said crossing his arms.

after about fifteen minutes they had finally arrived.

"have fun mike." nancy said.

"i will." mike replied unbuckling his seat belt.

"but not too much fun." nancy said laughing causing mike's cheeks to turn red.

"shut up." said mike opening the door.

"love you." nancy said.

"love you too." mike told her before he closed the car door and turned to walked towards the cabin.

mike walked up to the door excitedly. he did the secret knock and after a few minutes a tired looking hopper opened the door.

"hi hopper." mike said.

"chief." hopper corrected.

"chief." mike said.

"i'm sure you're here to see my daughter." hopper said trying to be nice.

"yes i am." mike replied.

"well she's still sleeping, so you can come in and sit on the couch." hopper said letting the boy in.

"okay." mike said.

"while we wait why don't we have a little chat." hopper said sitting next to mike on the couch.

"o-okay." mike said as his hands began to feel sweaty.

just then el's bedroom door opened. mike could not be any more grateful for her timing.

"mike?" el asked surprised to see her boyfriend here so early.

"el." he said getting up and hugging her. he thought even with her messy hair and pajamas she was still the prettiest girl in the world.

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