taking advantage.

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age 15/16
el's pov

"why!" i screamed at hopper for the hundredth time that night. he and i have been arguing for the past hour because he does not want me to see mike anymore.

"you guys are way too young. you're spending too much time with him." hopper yelled at me just as loud.

"we are not. i love him." i said letting the tears run down my face.

"you don't even know what love is el. don't be stupid." he told me.

"yes i do. we love each other. i want to be with him." i stated yet again.

"too bad. i'm your father and you will obey my rules." he shouted at me.

"you're not my father!" i yelled back.

"i'm more of a father to you than brenner was. but if you wanna go back there be my guest." he said.

"no i'm going to mike's." i said while stomping over to the door.

"hell no you're not." he yelled while stepping in front of me.

"yes i am." i said trying to push him out of the way.

"get to your room now and i'll think about letting you see him again." hopper told me.

"i hate you!" i screamed while the tears ran down my face.

"you're acting like a child. go to your room."

"ugh!" i screamed and stomped to my room before slamming my door shut.

i collapsed on my bed and buried my face in my pillow. i'm so upset he can't keep us apart. i need mike. mike needs me. i love him. i need him right now.

i pushed open my window as quietly as i could and stepped out of it. still crying i got on the bike mike taught me to ride and rode it to his house.

i felt the tears dry to my cheeks as the night's breeze hit my face. when i pulled into mike's driveway i was still crying. i couldn't even keep my breathing even.

i tapped on his window and a few moment later he drew the blinds. at first he was confused but once he saw that i'd been crying he frantically opened the window.

"el what's wrong? what happened?" he asked while he pulled me in for a hug.

i sobbed in his chest while he ran his fingers through my hair and told me it was going to be okay.

once my breathing started to even out he asked me, "el what happened?"

i told him everything from hopper saying we couldn't see each other to my saying he wasn't my father to me saying i hated him.

"el he could never keep us apart and he knows it. he just doesn't want you to grow up." mike said while holding my hands.

"n-no he really means it." i said while starting to cry again.

"hey it's okay." mike whispered and kissed my lips.

i kissed him back with more passion this time. the kiss was rough and sloppy and it tasted salty due to the tears still steaming down my face.

i climbed on top of mike and straddled him. i tugged on his hair while his arms were wrapped around my back.

i was so angry at everything hopper said, so i used all of those emotions and put them into the kiss.

i bit mike's lip lightly and continued to kiss him passionately. he slipped his tongue in my mouth and moved his hands down to my butt.

i love him so much i need more of him. i moved my hands under his shirt and ran my fingers along his toned stomach.

i began pulling at the bottom of his shirt signaling i wanted it off. mike complied and took his shirt off throwing it on the floor.

mike laid me down and i kept my legs wrapped around him. he began sucking on my neck causing a few moans to escape my lips. it felt so good so i threw my head back giving him more access.

he continued kissing my neck and i arched my back due to the pleasure. mike had to kiss me in order to stifle my moans.

i pushed him back and climbed on top of him. i straddled his lap and took off my shirt leaving me in just my sweatpants and a sports bra.

i began to suck on mike's neck causing him to let out a deep moan.

"i love you." i said in his ear letting my lips brush against it.

"i love you too." mike said before sitting up and kissing me again.

i really do love him. i want him. i started lighting grinding my hips against him while his hands cupped my cheeks.

i began to pull at the waistband of his joggers when he pulled away.

"el." mike said sitting back.

"mike i want you" i said before kissing him again.

"i need you." i said while pulling at his waistband again.

"el i'm right here." mike said looking into my eyes.

"mike." i said desperately.

"el you're not going to lose your virginity like this." he said.

"mike but i'm ready. don't you love me?" i asked while getting off of his lap.

"i do. i love you so much, but i don't want us to have sex just in spite of hopper." mike said while kissing my hand.

i let out an annoyed sigh and rolled my eyes.

"el. baby. as hot as you are right now i want our first time to be special. i feel like i'd be taking advantage of you. do you understand?" he asked and pecked my lips.

"yes. i understand." i giggled.

"come here." mike said and he gave me a warm hug.

"do you wanna go to sleep?" i asked.

"sure. but put your shirt on before i change my mind." mike said.

"michael wheeler." i said while laughing.

we both put our shirts back on and crawled under the covers and into each other's arms. i drifted off to sleep wondering what hopper would say about the hickeys on my neck tomorrow. i have no clue and i really don't care. it shows him that i am mike's and there's nothing he can do about it.

1047 words
i am so sorry i didn't update yesterday i had a game and got back rlly late.
i don't remember if i proof read so sry.
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