camping trip. 2

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as requested
age 14/15
el's pov

once we all got closer to the fire i noticed jonathan and nancy had arrived. i ran over to them and gave them a big hug.

"hi el." they said as they gave me a big hug back.

after everything we have been through i've grown to really like nancy, jonathan, and steve. unfortunately steve couldn't come because he had to work, but they are all like my older siblings.

after i greeted them i went and grabbed a seat next to mike who was by the fire.

"mike. i want to try a s'more?" i more so asked to make sure i was pronouncing it right.

"sure el. i'll make one for you." mike said getting up and grabbing what he called a marshmallow.

after about five minutes the s'more was complete and he gave it to me to try.

"here you go el. be careful because it's hot." mike said handing it to me. i bit into it and it was amazing.

"not better than eggos, but still good." i said pecking his lips.

"i'm glad you like it." he said wrapping his arm around me.

once i started paying attention to what they party was talking about i heard lucas say, "dustin i dare you to jump over the fire."

"hell no." dustin said.

"don't be a pussy." lucas said taunting him.

"mike what's a pussy." i asked. sometimes i really don't understand what they are talking about.

mike gave lucas a dirty look and said, "when you call someone a pussy it means they are being a baby. but don't say that word it's bad." this caused will to snicker.

"okay." i said cuddling into mike more.

then lucas and dustin started pulling sticks out of the fire and chasing each other with it. this got hopper and joyce's attention and they walked over.

"alright that's enough. sticks back and the fire and everyone in bed." hopper said.

"dad i'm not even tired." i said whining.

"well you have a busy day tomorrow so you all need sleep and it's getting late." hopper told us.

"fine." i said crossing my arms.

"can i sleep with mikey?" i asked and i felt mike stiffen.

"absolutely not." hopper said causing me to groan.

"boys in one tent girls in the other." joyce told us.

i kissed mike goodnight and made my way to the tent with max.

"this is not even fair." i said plopping down on the air mattress.

"what?" asked max as she crawled into her sleeping bag.

"i want to lay with mike." i told her.

"well if you want hopper to kill him then go right ahead." max said rolling over to face me.

"if he killed mike i'd kill myself." i stated and it was the complete truth. i like him too much to live without him.

"el you are so dramatic sometimes." max said laughing.

"am not." i said hitting her with my pillow.

"are to." she said hitting me back.

we started having a pillow fight and screaming and laughing until someone started to unzip our tent.

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