slumber parties.

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age 14/15
main pov

most friday nights el, max, and nancy get together and have a girls night. everything that they had been through through the years made them all pretty close. this was also a good time for nancy to give the girls advice and for them to spend time away from their boyfriends.

right now the three were in nancy's room. max was reading a new magazine and nancy was painting el's nails a light shade of pink. el had recently learned about nail polish and it was one of her new favorite things.

"so..." nancy said concentrating on painting el's finger nails, "anything new with you girls?"

el thought for a moment, but then shook her head quickly with a no.

"that is a lie el and you know it." max said setting the magazine down beside her and sitting up.

el's cheeks blushed and she gave max the 'keep your mouth shut' eyes.

"what?" nancy asked, finishing the last stroke on el's nail before twisting the bottle shut.

once again el gave max pleading eyes, but max payed no attention.

"hopper walked in on mike and her making out for the first time." max said laughing.

el hit max in the head with a pillow before burying her face in it.

"oh my god el is that true?" nancy asked in shock. she couldn't believe her little brother had made out with a girl.

el sat back up and bashfully said, "yes."

nancy started cracking up, but once she composed herself she asked, "what exactly happened? i wanna know everything."

"well me and mike were in my room and hopper wasn't supposed to be home from work. i asked mike what making out was, so he explained it. then i asked if he wanted to do it and-"

"wait." max said cutting her off, "you asked him if he wanted to make out?"

"yes." el said simply as if it were obvious.

max just laughed and el continued, "anyways, we kissed for a long time and then mike pulled me on his lap and before we could do anything else hopper walked in."

nancy laughed at this and asked, "so what did mike do?"

"well i didn't see a problem with it, but apparently i'm not supposed to make out."

the girls just giggled at her innocence.

then in el's best hopper impression she told them what he said, "i'm gonna count to three and if you're not out of this room and in the kitchen for a serious talk you don't wanna know what will happen wheeler."

"oh my god what did his face look like?" max asked clutching her stomach from laughing so hard.

"he looked like a very shocked ghost." el replied laughing.

just then mike walked into the room and instantly the girls went quiet, stifling their laughter.

"you guys are being very loud and we are trying to play a serious game of d&d." mike told them.

"loser." max replied sticking her tongue out at him.

"be nice max." el said walking over to give mike a hug.

"jesus here we go again." max whispered to nancy causing them to giggle. they just watched as mike and el hugged and stared into each other's eyes acting as if no one else existed.

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