study session.

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age 14/15
main pov

it was a saturday afternoon and mike and el were in his room. el was sprawled out across his bed looking through some magazines max had given to her. mike had been sat at his desk for a couple hours studying for his exams.

el was constantly pestering him to take a break because she just wanted to spend time with him. she could also tell he was getting frustrated.

after hour two of mike studying and el walking around his room aimlessly she decided she had enough and was going to get him to take a break.

el walked over to him, got on her knees, and rested her head on his desk. then said, "mike?" while batting her eyelashes sweetly.

"yeah?" mike asked paying no attention her, keeping his nose in some text book.

"i'm bored." el replied throwing herself on the ground being dramatic.

mike didn't even reply, he just grabbed his pencil and scribbled something down in a notebook.

"when are you gonna be done?" asked el standing up and wrapping her arms around mike from behind.

"i don't know." mike started, "these are really big tests and i have to get good grades on them."

el kissed his forehead and replied, "okay well you're smart so that won't be a problem."

"now take a break." she said kissing his cheek.

"el i can't focus if you're gonna do that." he said shaking her off.

"fine then." el huffed and flopped on his bed.

"it's really hot in here." el said taking off her sweatshirt to show her dark pink tank top that cut off right above her belly button. el knew exactly what she was doing, but she acted as if she had no clue why her boyfriend was getting so fidgety.

he tried not to get distracted, but he's a teenage boy so what can you expect?

mike stayed strong though, not looking at her and taking out flash cards from his book bag instead.

when el realized it was going to be tougher to distract mike than she thought, she grabbed his supercom to talk to max. she figured there was no way he could stand listening to them talk while he trying to focus.

"max are you there?" el said into the supercom. mike looked up and gave her a look that said 'i know what you're doing and it's not gonna work'.

"yeah what's up el?" max replied after a few moments.

"i'm at mike's and he's ignoring me." el said shooting him a devilish look.

"omg what happened? are you guys fighting? do i need to kick his ass?" max asked.

"no need to kick my ass, max. i'm studying and i told her i'd be done in a little bit." mike replied getting more annoyed.

"take a break wheeler or i will beat you up." max said.

"i will in a little bit." mike said refocusing his attention to his study materials.

"ugghhh." el groaned.

"what are you doing right now max?" el asked her.

"lucas and i are watching a movie at my house." max told her.

"what's it like to have a boyfriend who wants to spend time with you?" el asked knowing that would get mike mad.

max just laughed and told her she had to go because they wanted to finish the movie.

"alright bye max." el said throwing the supercom on his bed.

mike walked over to her, sat on the bed and said,
"el i do want to spend time with you i just need to study."

el looked at him for a moment, but didn't reply. instead she leaned in and kissed him. he was shocked at first but then kissed back.

"i need to study." mike said pulling away for a moment.

"no you don't." el argued and kissed him again.

"el i really do." he said pulling away.

"just take a little break." el said getting on his lap and kissing him again.

mike finally gave in to el and wrapped his arms around her back.

el was very happy her plan worked. she giggled excitedly into the kiss and tangled her hands in his hair.

eventually mike layed her down and hovered over her, balancing on his fore arms. el had her legs wrapped around his hips and her hands around his neck.

they kissed for a few more seconds before mike moved his lips to leave kisses all over her jaw and down her neck.

then el flipped them over so she was straddling him. this surprised mike at first but his hands grabbed her hips tightly.

el leaned down and kissed his lips as if kissing him were the only thing keeping her alive. one of her hands were on his cheek and the other she used to grab his shirt.

after a few more minutes they finished making out and their breathing relaxed. mike was laying on his back with his arms wrapped around el who had her leg over top of him.

"el i'm sorry for not paying attention to you and being kind of moody. i've just been stressed with exams coming up." mike said as he rubbed her back.

"it's okay mike i understand. i will try to let you focus next time." el told him.

"no please don't let me focus. not if you're going to do that." mike said laughing.

"mike." el stated simply.

"yeah el?"

"i like kissing you."

mike's cheeks flushed and he replied, "thanks el i like kissing you too."

"and i like laying here with you. i just like being with you." el stated half sitting up and resting on her arm.

mike pulled her on top of him and replied, "well, we can spend everyday together when i'm finally on spring break."

"promise?" el asked while hugging him and resting her head in his neck.

"promise." said mike before kissing her head.

mike never finished studying that day, but instead cuddled with his el until she had to leave to go home that night.
1013 words
wow i'm kind of really bad at writing spice.
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