bloody noses.

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age 14/15
main pov

the party was sitting at the park having a pic nic. el was sat in between mike's legs while mike was playing with her hair. both of them were laughing at everyone else.

lucas, max, dustin, and will were having a competition to see who could fit the the most amount of grapes in their mouth. max and dustin each had seven grapes in their mouth. dustin lost when he tried to fit one more in just as max did.

"ha i win." max said after spitting out all of her grapes onto the grass.

"literally how?" lucas asked baffled.

"don't act like you're surprised she could fit all that in her mouth." dustin said nudging him and wiggling is eyebrows.

"hey." max said.

"what?" dustin replied.

"shut the fuck up." max said causing will to laugh.

"i don't get it." el said with no expression.

"oh it means she'd be good at sucking-"

"dustin!" mike said cutting him off while covering el's ears.

"hey!" el yelled while prying mike's hands off her ears.

"sorry el." mike said while squeezing her hand.

"yeah yeah." she said causing max to snicker.

"we should head to mike's. it looks like it's starting to get dark." will suggested.

"yeah you're right." lucas agreed while getting up and stretching.

mike stood up and offered his hands to el before pulling her up as well.

while the party was packing away everything and folding the blankets they heard a familiar voice yell, "hey freaks!"

mike turned around to see troy and his friend, james, walking towards them. mike instinctively grabbed el's hand and stepped in front of her.

"what do you two want?" mike asked rollin his eyes and already over the conversation.

"just wanted to say hi to my old pals." james snickered.

"midnight, toothless, zombie boy, and frog face." troy said while nudging them each a bit too hard on the shoulder.

"that's not nice." el said while giving him a confused look.

"no shit freak." troy said causing his friend to laugh.

"don't fucking talk to her." mike said getting angrier by the second. troy could bully mike all he wanted, but mike would not stand for him treating el that way.

"what are you gonna do about it freak?" troy said getting closer to el, but her glare still remained on her face.

mike pushed him back and said, "are you really that dense? i said don't talk to her."

troy pushed mike's hands off of him and james said, "ooo wheeler gets a girlfriend and all of a sudden he's a big tough guy." while cracking his knuckles, trying to appear intimidating.

"at least he can get one." lucas said looking right in his eyes.

"and you can?" troy said laughing.

then, max leaned in right then and there and kissed lucas for a few seconds before pulling away.

"yeah he can. now fucking move out of our way." max said going to push him but troy grabbed her arm and twisted it back causing her to wince in pain.

"don't touch her." el said stepping from out behind mike.

james tightly grabbed el's arm and mike instantly stepped forward and smacked him across the face causing him to release his grip on el. in turn james punched mike in the nose.

"no!" el screamed and without releasing it she sent him flying backward.

while troy was distracted, max elbowed him in the gut and he released her at once. all six of them grabbed their stuff and booked it back to mike's.

once they got there max, lucas, dustin, and will walked to the basement while el and mike walked to the upstairs bathroom to clean up.

"are you okay?" el asked while hugging him.

"don't worry about me. are you okay?" mike asked while pulling back to look at her.

"yes." el said before gently kissing his lips.

while wrapped in each other's arms they turned and looked in the mirror above the sink. el started giggling at the sight of them.

"what is it el?" mike asked confused as to how she could be laughing right now.

"we look the same." el said laughing even more.

it was true. they both were sporting bloody noses. mike's was bleeding because he had just been punched, but el's was bleeding because she had sent troy's friend flying through the air. in a way it showed their efforts in protecting each other.

"i guess so." mike laughed before kissing her once more.

mike got two wet rags and they began cleaning off their faces. el sat on the counter watching mike wipe the rest of the blood from his nose. she couldn't help but think he looked sad.

"mike what's wrong?" el asked while pulling him in between her legs by his shirt.

"nothing." mike replied and looked at the floor.

"friends don't lie." el said while wrapping her legs around him.

mike took a pause and said, "i just feel like i should have been able to protect you more is all. you shouldn't have had to save me... and i just don't like that troy called you a freak."

el kissed his lips before saying, "mike you did protect me. and i kind of am a freak. who else you know that has powers?" el said and giggled.

"el you are not a freak. you are perfect." he said while cupping her cheeks and leaning in for a kiss.

"thank you." el said while blushing after they pulled away.

"just promise me we will always protect each other." el said.

"promise." mike replied before kissing her once more.

once they pulled away he said, "we should go downstairs. they're probably waiting on us."

"you're right." el sighed, "one more kiss?"

"i guess so." mike sarcastically and leaned in for one last kiss.

el hopped off of the counter and they interlocked fingers as they made their way to the basement to join the rest of their friends.
1004 words
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