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420blaiseit hey did y'all see that pansy and granger follow each other now?

totallynotttheo and were low key flirting on pansy's recent

itspansybish what?? i can't flirt with a pretty girl??

slytherinprince so you admit you like her...

itspansybish i never said that

slytherinprince well you called her pretty

itspansybish i can think someone is pretty without liking them

420blaiseit pansy's definitely crushing

totallynotttheo definitely

slytherinprince ^^

itspansybish you guys are impossible sometimes...

the golden trio

kingron hermione what's going on between you and parkinston?

thebiwholived spill the tea!

mionejean nothing is...?

kingron you don't seem so sure about that..

mionejean seriously, nothing is. i just thought we should all be friends since it's our last year at hogwarts, and the war is over, and they did technically end up helping us in the battle...

thebiwholived okay that explains why you followed her but what about your comment?

kingron it sounded like flirting to me!

mionejean honestly, ronald, i was just joking

kingron hermione?? making a joke?? wow!

thebiwholived never thought i'd live to see the day *wipes away tear*

mionejean why do i even bother...

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