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hogwarts hoes

thebiwholived what's this??

420blaiseit yeah pansy what's this and wtaf is that name?

itspansybish a gc to start to be nicer to eachother and it's a great name btw blaise

mionejean i think it's a great idea, pansy

thebiwholived i agree

slytherinprince really?

thebiwholived yeah, i mean we've had our disagreements but at the end of the day i couldn't have beat voldemort if you didn't give me my wand, and your friends joined my side in the war too

slytherinprince well uh yes you're right

itspansybish well then it's settled, let's all go out this saturday

kingron turning over a new leaf tagged: quidditchlegend, lunaloves, panplants, totallynotttheo, 420blaiseit, mionejean, itspansybish, thebiwholived, & slytherinprince liked by mionejean and 12,009 others view all 905 comments 420blaiseit it was fu...

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kingron turning over a new leaf
tagged: quidditchlegend, lunaloves, panplants, totallynotttheo, 420blaiseit, mionejean, itspansybish, thebiwholived, & slytherinprince
liked by mionejean and 12,009 others
view all 905 comments
420blaiseit it was fun to get to know you guys
        kingron likewise!
mionejean we gotta do this again sometime
        quidditchlegend agreed

a/n - i'm too lazy to write [user] followed [user] for everyone but just so you know everyone followed each other. also what would you guys like to see in this fan fic??

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