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changcho i'm sorry if i did anything to cause any dramaliked by patilpads and 7,689 others view all 230 comments 420blaiseit it's ok cho, it sucks to be in toxic friendships        lavbrown what?thebiwholived yeah, i'd say leave the toxic people i...

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changcho i'm sorry if i did anything to cause any drama
liked by patilpads and 7,689 others
view all 230 comments
420blaiseit it's ok cho, it sucks to be in toxic friendships
       lavbrown what?
thebiwholived yeah, i'd say leave the toxic people in your life out. ur a good person with some bad friends
     millibulstrode just @ me bitch

millibulstrode your fave problematic, toxic bitch liked by lavbrown and 10,001 others view all 348 comments lavbrown omg you snapped i-mionejean you really don't have to be such a bitch, you know      itspansybish but mione love, what else      wo...

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millibulstrode your fave problematic, toxic bitch
liked by lavbrown and 10,001 others
view all 348 comments
lavbrown omg you snapped i-
mionejean you really don't have to be such a bitch, you know
      itspansybish but mione love, what else
      would she have?
               420blaiseit lmao true

millibulstrode your fave problematic, toxic bitch liked by lavbrown and 10,001 others view all 348 comments lavbrown omg you snapped i-mionejean you really don't have to be such a bitch, you know      itspansybish but mione love, what else      wo...

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panplants so much drama ugh
liked by kingron and 11,975 others
view all 764 comments
slytherinprince ugh ikr
totallynotttheo drama does get old
itspansybish i mean i know we are all in the drama and stuff but like we didn't actually cause it so...
     thebiwholived true, but i would like a
     break from it
           itspansybish same, but i don't think
           millicent and lavender will stop
           anything anytime soon
                  thebiwholived yeah. it pisses
                  me off how they are using cho
                  and patil though

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