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a/n: this is an irl chapter. probably not gonna be very many of these but if you guys like them i will do more. personally, i like the instagram chapters better. also, this is inspired by a different fan fic i read but can't remember the name of it. comment if you can!

blaise' pov

   i walked into the gryffindor common room with pansy, draco, and theo when harry finally let us in. we walked in and looked around us. everyone else was already there.
   in the corner, i saw millicent with lavender, talking some shit about my friends & i no doubt. a little ways from them was their friends, cho & pavarti, laughing about a book they were reading. over by the couch was harry, dean, seamus, and hermione. pansy and draco walked over to them and sat down. next to the couches, stood neville, ginny, and luna. theo walked over and gave neville a kiss on the cheek. i scanned the room for my lovely boyfriend, ron, and found him drinking by a table.
   "hey babe" i said, walking over to him.
   "glad you could make it" he said, giving me a kiss on the cheek. we stood there talking for about 15 minutes until lavender called everyone to the middle of the room.
  "alright everyone, we are going to play a game called truth or dare" she announced. looks of terror, enjoyment, and lust were exchanged around the room.
   "who wants to go first?" millicent asks. a few hands shot up but millicent's eyes landed on draco.
  "draco, why don't you start?" she asks slyly. draco sighs. he scoots closer to harry, leaning his head on his boyfriend's shoulder.
  "whatever. theo, truth or dare?" he asks.
  "uh, truth, i guess" theo responds.
  "when is the last time you shit your pants?" draco asks with a slight smirk. i knew draco wasn't a big fan of this game so he usually gave kinda immature truths & dares, mainly to just get it over with.
  "like 5 years ago, when i was 13. i was super sick and needed to go, but didn't quite make it to the toilet" he said chuckling. some people laughed and others gagged.
  "um, millicent, truth or dare?" he said eyeing her. they used to be good friends but ever since millicent tried to split up harry and draco theo has been avoiding her, but i guess tonight he felt like talking to her, just for fun.
  "dare" she said, standing up straight and tall.
  "do my laundry for a week" he said. everyone silently chuckled.
  "ugh, so boring, but fine" she said, turning her head to cho, "cho, truth or dare?"
  "dare" she said.
  "go kiss blaise on the lips" she said. i immediately grabbed ron's hand tightly.
  "um, milli, he's with ron..." she began to say.
  "oh my gosh, cho, it's just a game. go kiss him or are you too chicken?" millicent said. cho sighed and walked over to me. i scooted away, but she kept getting closer.
  "i'm sorry" she whispered to both ron & i, "i don't want to do this either but milli will be so rude if i don't." she leaned in and gave me a quick peck before scurrying away to pavarti. both ron and i were angry. ron took his hand away from me, but before i could tell him anything, cho had asked pavarti truth or dare. pavarti had answered truth. the game went on for about agonizing 30 minutes before it was millicent's turn again. she turned to lavender.
   "truth or dare, lav" she asked with a smirk.
   "dare" lavender said.
   "go kiss ron weasley" millicent said. without skipping a beat, lavender went over to my boyfriend and stuck her pig like face in his. their lips crashed and ron, much to my surprise, kissed back.

ron's pov

   i was in shock, and about to pull away, but then remembered cho & blaise' earlier kiss and began to kiss back with passion and fury. i didn't actually like lavender, but i needed someone to get back at blaise, and she was the perfect opportunity. we made out, our tongues at war, moans escaping our mouths, for about 2 minutes before we broke away breathe-less.
  then, i realized what i had just done and immediately felt bad. i turned to blaise to apologize, but before i could say anything, he had rushed out the door and slammed it on his way out.

blaise' pov

   tears ran down my face as i sat down against the wall. why did he do that? who could he? i thought he loved me?! i felt like the biggest fool.
   just then, a pair of boots sat next to me. i looked up to see draco. he looked upset, and i heard in the distance some yelling being exchanged in the other room, no doubt from pansy & theo towards ron, as hermione told off lavender.
   "i hate parties" i sniffed. draco pat my shoulder sympathetically.
   "you don't, you just hate this party" he said, "and so do i." i pulled him in for a hug and he hugged back, which was rare for draco.
   "want to go back to our dorm, watch a movie, and eat pizza?" he suggested. i slightly smiled.
   "that sounds good" i said, as we stood up.
   "great, let's go" draco said, as we walked away from the party.
   i guess this party was over.
   and so where ron & i.

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