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biconthomas out with my twin from another mother & my bf! thanks for the pic, babe tagged: explosiveboi & 420blaiseit liked by patilpads and 5,678 others view all 390 comments 420blaiseit thanks for dinner :)     biconthomas anytime bro explosiveb...

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biconthomas out with my twin from another mother & my bf! thanks for the pic, babe
tagged: explosiveboi & 420blaiseit
liked by patilpads and 5,678 others
view all 390 comments
420blaiseit thanks for dinner :)
     biconthomas anytime bro
explosiveboi love both of you idiots
thebiwholived glad to see you guys all smiling :)

biconthomas out with my twin from another mother & my bf! thanks for the pic, babe tagged: explosiveboi & 420blaiseit liked by patilpads and 5,678 others view all 390 comments 420blaiseit thanks for dinner :)     biconthomas anytime bro explosiveb...

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quidditchlegend my favorite slytherin
tagged: 420blaiseit
liked by lunaloves and 12,097 others
view all 798 comments
itspansybish hey :(
      quidditchlegend ur tied
420blaiseit aw ty gin
      quidditchlegend <3

mionejean they might be idiots but they are my idiots tagged: 420blaiseit, panplants, & totallynotttheoliked by changcho and 12,334 others view all 709 comments panplants lol thanks mionethebiwholived not as big of idiots as draco but yes <33     ...

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mionejean they might be idiots but they are my idiots
tagged: 420blaiseit, panplants, & totallynotttheo
liked by changcho and 12,334 others
view all 709 comments
panplants lol thanks mione
thebiwholived not as big of idiots as draco but yes <33
       slytherinprince hey! besides, we all
       know who the real idiot of hogwarts is
       for cheating on my best mate
              quidditchlegend lmao tea

mionejean they might be idiots but they are my idiots tagged: 420blaiseit, panplants, & totallynotttheoliked by changcho and 12,334 others view all 709 comments panplants lol thanks mionethebiwholived not as big of idiots as draco but yes <33     ...

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lunaloves fun times :)
tagged: biconthomas & 420blaiseit
liked by quidditchlegend and 11,998 others
view all 609 comments
quidditchlegend ahh my faves
mionejean legends
explosiveboi my mans and my frandss

itspansybish with the bois tagged: 420blaiseit, slytherinprince, thebiwholived, totallynotttheo, and panplants liked by mionejean and 13,098 others view all 907 comments panplants i love u guystotallynotttheo qweens        slytherinprince we slay ...

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itspansybish with the bois
tagged: 420blaiseit, slytherinprince, thebiwholived, totallynotttheo, and panplants
liked by mionejean and 13,098 others
view all 907 comments
panplants i love u guys
totallynotttheo qweens
       slytherinprince we slay
             itspansybish yas

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