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kingron i know what i did was wrong, please forgive me liked by thebiwholived and 12,082 others view all 709 comments itspansybish tell him not the internet         slytherinprince ^^420blaiseit dm me ron

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kingron i know what i did was wrong, please forgive me
liked by thebiwholived and 12,082 others
view all 709 comments
itspansybish tell him not the internet
        slytherinprince ^^
420blaiseit dm me ron

kingron & 420blaiseit

kingron omg blaise i am so so sorry for what i did. i messed up big time!

420blaiseit yeah, you did! i literally couldn't stop crying for two days... it took two days for my friends to get me up to go outside my dorm! you made me feel unworthy. not good enough. and to think i loves you...

kingron blaise i'm so sorry. you are good enough and you are 100% worthy

420blaiseit then why did you cheat on me? :(

kingron because of my anger issues. i was angry because cho kissed you, and i realize now that you had no part in that, you didn't even kiss back, but at the time my blood was boiling. i realize now i over reacted and i need to improve. i promise baby i am trying. i'm going to get help for my problems i swear on my mom blaise i will do whatever it takes

420blaiseit i'm glad that you are getting help, ron. i really am proud of you for that.

kingron thank you blaise

420blaiseit but i need you to prove to me how sorry you actually are.

kingron what do i need to do. i'll do anything.

420blaiseit well...

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