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itspansybish & 420blaiseit

420blaiseit dude stop commenting on me n ron

itspansybish lol why

420blaiseit bc it's true

420blaiseit i like him. like a lot. he's a great guy, super cute, funny, so basically the total package

420blaiseit but he will never like me

itspansybish says who?

420blaiseit idk ig i'm just insecure

itspansybish go for it. i wouldn't be with mione rn if i didn't take a leap

420blaiseit thanks pans maybe i will

420blaiseit also we should get on the hogwarts hoes gc bc i feel like draco needs our support rn

itspansybish ur right less go

hogwarts hoes

420blaiseit draco are you ok rn

totallynotttheo dude it's ok btw we all love and support you

itspansybish we are all here for you

mionejean coming out can be hard but just know you got ppl that love and support you

thebiwholived ^^

slytherinprince thanks guys. it means a lot. it's scary but i'm glad i don't have to hide anymore

kingron proud of u

slytherinprince thanks, and i am proud of u too btw

kingron thanks draco

kingron & 420blaiseit

420blaiseit hey ron

kingron hey dude

420blaiseit so i really enjoyed hanging out with you, and was wondering if you wanted to

kingron yes?

420blaiseit well, um maybe go on a date

kingron of course!

420blaiseit really? great! hogmeade at 5?

kingron sounds amazing. you have no clue how much i wanted you to ask me that <3

420blaiseit you have no clue how happy i am you said yes <33

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