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millibulstrode & slytherinprince

slytherinprince what's going on? are you okay?

millibulstrode look i'm going to tell you something and it kinda is going to suck but you have to promise not to tell everyone

slytherinprince ok??

millibulstrode the person i've been missing & crushing on is you...

slytherinprince wait hold on what..??

millibulstrode i like you, dray. as more than a friend. and ik you're with harry but still i can't help who i fall for

slytherinprince um millicent i think you are a super cool girl but i love harry and i only see you as a friend.. sorry

millibulstrode ugh it's fine

millibulstrode see you around ig

slytherinprince yeah... see ya


slytherinprince guys millicent just told me smth..

420blaiseit what?? what did she tell you??

itspansybish does it have to do with who she likes or at least a bit of info about her recent captions??

slytherinprince yeah she told me who it is

totallynotttheo well who is it??!

slytherinprince me... :(

itspansybish oh shit

slytherinprince *sends screenshots*

slytherinprince i don't want to tell everyone just you guys and harry because i don't want ppl to tease her

totallynotttheo ok dray we won't tell anyone

slytherinprince thanks

slytherinprince & thebiwholived

slytherinprince so millicent pretty much told me she likes me... i rejected her but don't tell anyone just you, pansy, theo and blaise know

slytherinprince *sends screenshots*

thebiwholived omfg that's crazy

thebiwholived well thanks for being loyal babe

slytherinprince ofc, i love you

thebiwholived i love you too!!

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