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itspansybish hanging out with my fave gryffindor tagged: quidditchlegend liked by 420blaiseit and 13,009 othersview all 1,066 comments quidditchlegend my fave slytherin totallynotttheo i'm?? so?? confused??            slytherinprince same??       ...

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itspansybish hanging out with my fave gryffindor
tagged: quidditchlegend
liked by 420blaiseit and 13,009 others
view all 1,066 comments
quidditchlegend my fave slytherin
totallynotttheo i'm?? so?? confused??
            slytherinprince same??
                      420blaiseit pansy?? what's??
                      going??? on?!?!
                             itspansybish gc now hoes
thebiwholived what
mionejean invite me next time!
            itspansybish sure thing
                      quidditchlegend ofc, mione


slytherinprince ok so hold ur friends with weaslette now??

itspansybish she's actually really cool once you get to know her!

420blaiseit you once called her hogwarts' most annoying quidditch player...

itspansybish that was a long ass time ago

totallynotttheo that was this summer

itspansybish well i think it's time we turn over a new leaf and try to get along with them. you guys try to get along with them, too!

slytherinprince ugh fine we'll try

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