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I could feel the music pulsing through my body. It helped me relax with all the eyes on me. I disliked it but it was the only way I could make a living and even Taeyhung did not know about this and he is my best friend.

He protects, tells me to go home early, tells me to stay away from certain places just as something happens at that place in a few minutes or hours.

I don't question it I don't ask question questions because I know better. Anyway tonight my shift ends early thank goodness, it is only almost nine so I get to go home early.

I quickly change into a pair of shorts, boots and a purple long sleeved blouse. I grab my bag and jacket heading out the door before anyone could stop me.

I hugged my jacket tighter around my body, as the night air began sweeping through. The streets are quiet -surprisingly- barely any streets lights on and one or two people walking around. 

I began singing a song softly turning a corner smiling softly to myself. I froze when I saw Taeyhung's figure. He was following another male with broad shoulders. (Wink wonk) I frowned but decided to follow and kept my distance as well.

They headed down an alley way…through a door. I've seen movies like this never ends well. Sorry anyway I saw no one guarding the door so I followed.

I hid between the people as they went deeper meeting up with two people dressed in black. One with silver hair another with black and board shoulders had purple hair. They looked like old time friends and people you should not mess with or get involved with.

Soon they went through a door at the end of the hall. I peeked through to see them in another alleyway joined by three more. One with blonde hair, another with red the last with pink. I could see them making hand gestures and speaking to each other but could not hear what they were saying.

All seven tensed as four men appeared at the mouth of the alleyway, they were dressed in black suits? Really at this time of night? The one on the left had orange hair, next to him grey/black the other two had red and pink.

The tallest one (one with blonde hair) stepped forward and spoke to the one holding a suitcase? How did I not notice.
They exchanged words as soon as the male had the case and stepped away.

The others -including Taeyhung- drew guns and shot them.


I clasped a hand over my mouth, shaking in fear. I backed away as they began walking to the door and ran.

Without looking back.

I have been avoiding Taeyhung for a week now.

How I have no idea but I do not want to be close to him not right now. Anyway my shift ended about an hour ago but I'm too scared to put my foot out that door.

Yes, there are prevs here, yes I don't talk to anyone. But my manager (a nice lady) gives me a lift home. She can't today because of some emergency, she apologized. I told he it is alright and good luck with her emergency and hoped she'll be safe.

Finally after twenty minutes I decided to suck it up and head home, he probably is not there or had someone else to kill.

As soon as I stepped out I tensed, my eyes locking on Taeyhung and the black haired male of that night. By a tree across the street. They had not notice me yet. Which is good, I quickly went across the street from them and bolted into a store.

I took note that it was a grocery store so I decided to buy some snacks and food while I'm here. After I exit the store I look around and see that they were gone.

I sighed in relief and began my track home, feeling a little relaxed at least for now.

As I neared my apartment complex I got the feeling I was being followed. So as I stuck a lollipop in my mouth and waited for the light to turn red I decided to look subtly behind me.

I walked across the street as a car stopped when the light turned red. My eyes flickering over the people subtly.

They're all here it seems, is it custom for shy girls to get into trouble?  No? First time? I thought so.

Just as I reached the side of my complex near my apartment, I bolted for the stairs.
Hearing footfalls behind me.

I unlocked my door, flung myself inside, closed and locked it. I headed to my kitchen to get a drink of water.

As I reached the doorway I nearly screamed when I saw someone standing by the window immediately flicking the lights on. There stood broad shoulders.

I kept my distance as he turned to face me. "How'd you get in?" I asked my voice shaking as he tried to approach me but I backed up straight into a chest. I jerked away and backed up against my fridge. I looked around to see Taeyhung's associates piling into the kitchen.

I grabbed a knife fr my drawer for protection just as Taeyhung made his grand entrance.

"Claire please put the knife down," he said gently but I didn't.

"No, I don't trust you or them," I replied making him flinch while they watched on.
"Please," he murmured softly making the tall blonde sigh and step toward me immediately I raise the knife in defense.

"One more and I'll castrate you," I warned making him raise an eyebrow. "Look, we came here make sure you didn't blab to anyone about what had happened," he said running a hand through his hair.

"I didn't I would never do that to Taeyhung," I replied and they nodded. "But if you did. We'd have to kill you. Usually we do kill those who find our but you…"

"What about me?" I asked softly staring at the pink haired male who spoke up. "You're Taeyhung's, friend." "Which means?"
"You're under our protection."

"Which means you are in danger."

Hey guys it's me Elle!

I hope you enjoy this one!

I hope I'll enjoy writing it!

Please vote, comment and follow!

Love Elle


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