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"Hoseok, she'll wake up soon don't worry," a familiar voice whispered making me frown.

Are they talking about me?

Am I sleeping?

I tried opening my eyes but they wouldn't open and I heard shuffling next to…me as if someone was getting comfortable. "Hyung she's been asleep for two days," said…Hoseok as another hand enveloped my small left one.

I heard a sigh, then footsteps fading and a door closing. "I don't know if you can hear me,  Claire. But what you did was brave and dumb! You could've gotten killed, we're supposed to protect you not the other way around!" He said in one rush making my heart ache.

"Please just wake up," I heard him whisper and felt him squeeze my hand softly. I returned it gently and heard him gasp in surprise which made me chuckle in my head.

"Claire? Can you hear me? Open your eyes please?" I heard him whisper squeezing my hand again. I whimpered softly trying to open my eyes, seeing as it wasn't working I took a breath to calm myself and my eyes fluttered open slowly.

"Hey, Hoseok," I said softly, my voice scratchy and throat dry as sand. He immediately handed me water and looked happy/shocked to see me awake.

"Claire I'm happy you're awake but please don't do something like that again."

"They were gonna hurt you..."

"They did!"

"I know I-"

"By hurting you they hurt me!"

That made me fall silent, I  saw a tint of pink forming on his cheeks.



Anyway, I leaned up and kissed him lightly on his cheek. "I'm right here Hoseok." "Where you belong," he mumbled and our eyes locked.

We just stared at each, when suddenly the door burst open and Taeyhung tackled Hoseok to the floor.

"What happened?!"

*glances at Tae*


*fiddles with fingers*

He was going to steal her!


Tae....I....have nothing to say...

Any way please vote comment and follow! Sorry for the shortness Levi *cough cough*.

*Levi appears with a feather duster*

What did you say brat?!

Gotta run!




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