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"What were you doing in a place like that?" Asked S.Coups as the sat in my living room drinking coffee. And cookies, yes after all that I need a break sue me.

"It pays the bills and dancing is fun," I reply with a bored tone  not in a mood to play nice.
"If Bangtan knew-,"

"It does not matter if they found out because they would not care," I spat still feeling a little bit upset. They immediately went quiet just as my door slammed open making me jump and the three go defensive.

In stormed Bangtan and they did not look to pleased just emotionless. What happened to them?

"What are you doing here?" I asked turning to face them just as Taeyhung told S.Coups and Jongho to leave which they did.

"Claire, we heard about what happened with Taeyong," started Jungkook and I immediately cut him off. "And?"

"They're going to start a war Claire and you're in it!" Exclaimed Jimin running his hands through his hair.

"I should care why exactly?" I asked as I cleaned up hearing Jimin groan in annoyance which made me chuckle softly. They did care, though I was still upset.

"I understand that there is going to be a war, what part I'll play I don't know but we'll see when it happens, so help me clean?"

Sorry Silver Hearts!


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