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4 months.

Four. Long. Months.

In a basement of an old house, worn out I may add no sunlight, barely any light and strapped to this damn chair doesn't help.

Being beaten twice a day doesn't work for me as well. No r*pe and they haven't aimed for my face just scarring the rest of my body.

Trying to break me and cackling when I cried out for Bangtan. They wanted information about them and the other groups as well but I never opened my mouth.

Beatings happened daily because of that.

Anyway, my glasses are cracked, I can barely lift my head.

But I will stay strong, for them at least.

I groan and shift when I hear footsteps approaching me thinking it is Ten or Jaemin I speak, "I'm not saying anything so just get on with it."

"Oh my gosh….Claire?" I frowned looking though I feel like passing out. Everything is blurry.

"Jim…Jimin is that you or am I seeing things?"

He looks…good….more muscular and badass, hair blonde colour. He is holding a….machete what is going on?

"Yea it is me Claire don't worry I'll get you out of those tie in a jiffy," he said as he chopped the rope off then lifted me from the chair.

Seeing as I was only moved to use the facilities, I could barely stand or use my legs. So Jimin placed me on his back without much effort.

"Hey Jimin where are the others?"

I asked softly just as gunshots went off and shouts as well as pounding footsteps.

"There is your answer."

"Jimin did you-" I looked up to see Namjoon and boy did he look angry and hot another day Claire!

"Yea I got her hyung let's go shall we?"

We shall.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2019 ⏰

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