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"Wait you guys are going to meet up with some of the NCT members? Isn't that a little dangerous?" I asked frowning as I took a sip from my tea.

I had thirty minutes before work and the boys had to meet Taeyong and the others soon which I didn't like. They wanted to discuss some matters peacefully.

What matters?

I don't believe it for a second but the boys won't listen so if something happens they cannot tell me that I didn't warn them. "Yea that's why we're going to the Dancing Lion and Jongho as well as San are coming along," said Hoseok with a light smile.

I slightly choked on my drink when he said, 'Dancing Lion,' that's where I work and I dance today.

This is not good.

"You alright there little bird?" Asked Namjoon with a look in his eye, I nodded with a forced, shaky smile. I looked at the time, jumped up, said bye to the boys and headed to work.

Hoping that I could find a way out of this one.


Well, my life ends here.

It's 15:45pm they're sitting in the middle of the room, the place is packed and I'm not sure if they'll even watch. But knowing them and the work they do probably.

I am wearing this ↓↓↓↓

I took a breath to calm myself before stepping out and immediately the spotlight was on me. I forced a smile as I walked to the middle of the stage other dancers surrounding me as the music began. The cheering and clapping faded and our work began.

I took a gulp of water, slumping on the couch backstage, relaxing just when my phone rang. I immediately answered Jongho's coming from the other end.

'Hey Claire the meeting is done and they didn't see you.'

'Thanks Jongho keep me posted please?'

'Sure thing bye Claire.'

'Bye Jongho be careful.'

We hung up at the same time and I decided to shower, change and head home to sleep.

Today was tiring.

I groaned as knocking from my apartment door woke me from my dream.

I was kissing….Harry Styles?

Anyway, I got up -minding you I am in PJ shorts and a white tank- and headed to the door to answer.

It swung open and there stood Bangtan at what six, seven in the morning?

"C'mon in, excuse me," I said with a yawn and went to get a robe to cover up a little. I came back and they were making beverages and helping themselves to my leftover takeouts.

I was humming to myself as I placed a lollipop in my mouth, when I felt  eyes on me. I looked over to see Hoseok staring at me eyes wide in surprise.

"You work at the Dancing Lion!"

I choked on my saliva and saw the others stare at me in disbelief and Taeyhung with a little bit of anger.

Uh oh.

How'd Hobi know?

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