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I rushed backstage, smiling widely after my dance. Things have been quite clam for the last few days, except a member following me for protection. I do bond with each but I am always close to Taeyhung though I haven't spoken to him in a while.

Anyway, I hummed as I changed into black skinny jeans, boots and a white shirt then headed out. As I headed to the door two men by the bar caught my attention, I looked at the closely and examined their attire.

Suits, one with blond hair the other pinkette, oh no.

GOT7 members.

I tensed when their heads snapped to me I immediately looked away, kept my came and headed for the door.

As soon as I stepped out my eyes scanned for a Bangtan member….and locked on Hoseok. I immediately rushed to him, when he turned to me I'm sure he could see the panic/fear in them and knew something was up.

"What's the matter?" He asked, before I could answer I heard the door swing open and footsteps approach us. I closed my eyes and whispered, "GOT7 members."

He grabbed my arm and we bolted, they immediately gave chase. "We need to run faster," said Hoseok as we turned a corner hearing them gain on us.

I pushed myself to run faster as did  Hoseok….just as a van came up next to us. Hoseok  immediately yanked me down an alleyway….and we were trapped between a brick wall and GOT7.

As Hoseok moved in front of me as they approached, I remember my phone, I made sure only Bangtan could hear us and called hiding it.

"Give us the girl Jung and we'll consider letting you love," said….Jackson the blond I think making Hoseok scoff. I quickly whispered, "we're at laker street between the shop and movie place."

Before I could blink Hoseok was on the ground, Mark pinkette standing in front of him  smirking. I gasped and immediately fell down next to him.

He was breathing heavily and clutching his stomach. He forced a smile towards me but I could sense his pain.

I stood up walked toward Mark, ignoring  Hoseok's protest and stood before him. He grinned at me. I lifted my leg and kneed his manhood hard.

He gasp and collapsed holding his little man, Jackson approached me and I immediately elbowed him, breaking his nose. I moved back to Jin's side to help him up, freezing as the rest of the GOT7 members showed up.

"Really? You two let a girl take you down?" Asked a male with purple hair and a baseball bat crouching next to Jackson. "Bambam," breathed Hoseok as I backed us up right against the brick wall.

Where are the guys?

"Leave them be Bam, she'll be taken care of soon enough," said another with black hair helping Mark. "Yugyeom," I breathed this time feeling Jin winch as I lowered him and he coughed a little.

I looked and saw blood staining his lips.


"Guys hurry, Jin's hurt," I mumbled as another figure with brown hair appeared.


Next to him one with white hair.


Where's the last one? Probably in the van.

I looked behind him to see a few Wave and Stray Kids members.  We were outnumbered, how brilliant. "Well, well the girl who took down Mark and Jackson," mocked Jinyoung as he  walked closer to us. "Leave us  be," my voice surprisingly steady.

Why am I suddenly brave?

"Can't do that love you are important to someone. More than one and to hurt them I have to hurt you."

With that searing pain exploded from my mid section, I gasped as the air left my lungs and stumbled backwards hearing Hoseok shout, "no, back off Jinyoung!"

Jinyoung pulled back and was about to strike again, but I ducked and swiped his legs causing him to stumble not fall.

It helped, I lifted my leg and kicked him in his chest sending him skidding backwards. I coughed a little but wiped my mouth quickly trying to catch my breath.

"JB and Yugyeom," said Jinyoung backing away as I dodged a fist and kicked the guy's knee making him hiss in pain. The other one I elbowed his stomach when he tried to grab me from behind.

After a few minutes of dodging, landing blows and receiving Jinyoung called them off. The other  group members just watched on.

I nearly sagged in relief tired and hurt then looked to Jin, he looked bad. Sweat littered his forehead and soaked his shirt as well as blood on his lips.

"Bambam she is yours," next I know I'm on the ground searing pain coming from my side.

I looked up to see Bambam above me smirking with his baseball bat.

Oh no.

The bat came down hard on my stomach and I let out a scream. "Ah, that's music to my ears, scream more and louder," Bambam whispered in my ear as tears stung my eyes and Hoseok yelling and trying to stop them. I looked to see Yugyeom and JB holding him back.

Making him  watch.

Where are you Bangtan?

Just as Bambam was about to bring the bat down again an unfamiliar voice called, "get away from her Bambam or I'm snapping you in half."

Bambam turned and called back, "really Jongho what are you doing here? Alone?" "A friend called. And I'm not alone," I lifted my head a little hissing at the pain shooting through me and saw the Bangtan group with the Ateez members.


Wait Hoseok?! I looked to my left to see Hoseok crawling and coughing toward me. I sat up slowly or tried to collapsing because of the pain.

"How'd you know we were here?" Asked Hoseok of San the med of the group Ateez as he lifted me up slowly while the others argued and Mingi helped Hoseok (I met them a few days earlier nice people. To me anyway.)

"I called Bangtan and let them listen in on what was happening," I breathed hissing as I was laid down in car. Hoseok in the front seat. "Luckily we were with Bangtan then, bit got held back by some of our enemies," said San as he began driving and the others following behind in the other cars.

I nodded and laid my head down and drifted into darkness.

What you guys think?
Brutal right?

Anyway please vote comment and follow!




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