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"So you basically ran away from them?" Hongjoong asked with a frown. I nodded leaning back against the couch, ignoring the vibrating from my phone yet again.

I sigh, rubbing my forehead and replied,"yea I am avoiding my problems right now or trying to at least. I need a new place to live." "You can stay here," said San as he walked in,  sitting down next to me.

I shook my head and forced a smile, "thanks San Oppa but they'd look here so I don't think that is a good idea. No offence," he nodded in agreement. Mingi opened his mouth to speak when suddenly banging came from the front door.

I shared a look with Jongho both of us knowing who it was.


"Claire, head to my room, call Bangtan now," said Hongjoong sternly. I nodded and fled to his room. I hid in his closet between piles of clothes and dialed with a hammering heart.

"Answer, answer please-"

"Claire? Where are you?"

I sighed in relief in hearing Jungkook's voice though he sounded upset jumping slightly when I heard banging and shouting coming from the living room.

"Claire what is it?"

"You guys, need to- it's- NCT are here you need to come now."

Just as I said that Hongjoong's bedroom door slammed open making me jump and try to hide more.

"Claire you there?"

"Be quiet."

I heard things being thrown around and grunts of frustration as be found nothing. Whoever it was, was not happy.

"Hongjoong where is she?!" He roared and I somehow knew it was Jaemin.

Uh oh.

Please don't hurt them, please don't I thought as I heard grunts of pain and shouts of protest.

I bit my lip and whispered into the phone,

"Sorry you guys but they….I'm so sorry."

"Claire? Don't you even dare."

Yoongi, I smiled softly they care I think even if they hide it. I hope we can bond sometime I'd like that.

"Claire, don't be dumb," Taeyhung spoke this time his voice sounding hoarse.

"I'm sorry forgive me boys. If anything happens….thank you." With that I hung up and hid my phone.

I peeked into the living room just as Jaemin drew back his fist to slam it into Jongho's face I yelled, "hey dude leave them alone!"

That got everyone's attention.

"Claire run!" Yelled San trying to get free just as the others did when Jaemin walked toward me. I pushed my glasses up (forgot about those for a second) and forced a smile.

"My turn to protect you guys."

"How sweet," Jaemin said sarcastically as he grabbed me by the back of my neck and swung me over his shoulder yelling at the rest of them to follow.

I looked up, holding my glasses so it wouldn't slide off and saw the boys' broken stares. I forced a smile and waved somehow knowing I wasn't going to see them or daylight for a while.

That is usually how torture goes isn't it?

Hey Silver Hearts!

Sorry I've been busy!

Anyway I'm scared for Claire but let's hope the boys save her!

Please comment and vote!




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