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At the moment we are in my living room (small as it is) I am standing away from them while they sit and drink coffee.

My coffee.

Anyway, Namjoon (yes I learned their names), Hoseok and Yoongi sat on the couch Jin and Jungkook sat on chairs on either side, while Taeyhung and Jimin sat on the floor in front of them.

And they floor is not even clean enough to eat off from.

Anyhow, they explained to me how their name is BTS sort for Bangtan Sonyeondan and their the most feared and dangerous underground mafia group there is. There are others though.

Their allies are Seventeen, Ateez, NCT and so on. Though GOT7, Wave and Stray kids are starting a war that includes all of the underground mafia.

And I thought my life was difficult.

Right now they are discussing a plan of attack  I may not be apart of seeing as they don't trust me that much yet so I'm spacing off.

"….aire? Claire?" I heard someone call snapping me out of my space.

I looked  up to see Jin looking at me concerned, I sent him a forced smile and said, "want anything we're ordering takeout," "I'm good thanks ," "you sure?" I nodded and he dropped it but I could feel some watching me.

I looked around my eyes locking with Yoongi's making fear shoot through me.
I felt like as of his eyes could see straight through me. Causing me to look away and jump when my there was a knock at the door.

I smiled at them and scurried out of the room to get it, as soon as I opened the door I tensed as a gun was pointed right in my face. "Call them," the male growled shoving me inside and kicking the door close behind him.

"Guys," I yelled my voice steady and not taking my eyes off of him. Immediately they came and froze at the sight in front of them. "What are you doing Jackson?" Asked -more like growled- Namjoon.

Aw he cares.

"Because, you need to learn your place," he spat and went to pull the trigger…as another body slammed into him taking him to the floor with the other person.

I saw the gun laying a few feet from me and kicked it to Namjoon's direction who nodded at me and moved towards Jackson as I moved away to the boys but still keeping my distance.

"Why is he here? How does he know where I live?" I asked my heart hammering against my chest in fear. "We don't know Claire but we'll find out. In the meantime don't you have work?" Asked Taeyhung frowning at me. I looked at the clock eyes widening when I noticed that I was ten minutes late.

I let our a little shriek and left to get ready. "Lock up when you leave, don't break anything," with that I rushed to work wondering what was laying in store for me next.

Wonder right?

Anyway please vote, comment and follow

Should she trust them or not?




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