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"Calm down Taeyhung he didn't do anything, none of this is his fault," I said pulling Taeyhung off of Hoseok remembering his injury.

"But,-" he began but I cut him off with a look and he immediately shut his mouth but clenched his hands at his side.

"What did I miss?" As soon as I asker that Jimin and Jungkook launched themselves at me making me gasp and chuckle.

"Boys, easy she just woke up," scolded Jin which made me chuckle in amusement as they grumbled and released me.

For a mafia group they sure are....happy.

I shook my head, suddenly being drag to the living room and placed in front of Ateez and Bangtan. Namjoon and Hongjoong didn't look to pleased.

So not ALL members are happy.

"What's the matter?" I asked with a frown looking between them and I saw Jungkook face palm out of the corner of my eye. I asked the wrong question didn't I?

"What were you thinking?" Growled Seonghwa glaring at me which made me flinch and look at the wall across from me.

"I was thinking about keeping Hoseok safe," I replied and heard multiple groans. "He's supposed to keep you safe!" Exclaimed Mingi. "He nearly died doing it!" I snapped fixing a glare on them.

Namjoon returned his own glare, but I didn't back down. "I will not let anyone die for me! I'm not completely defenseless. Just because I'm a girl doesn't mean I'll hide behind someone!" I spat making everyone freeze and stare.

"You are under our protection, if you don't want it or follow our rules we can leave," he growled and I lifted my head and said,

"Then leave. You know where the door is."

Wow! What are you doing Claire???
Anyway hope you guys enjoyed!
Sorry it's so short and for the late update!




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