Breaking Up

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Amelia POV:
I haven't spoken to Elijah in over a week. Anytime I come near him, he scatters off in a different direction. I finally gave up trying to talk to him and started sleeping in my own room, too. I asked Nilkaus about it and he said he has no idea what's going on. I've asked every single Mikaelson sibling and they all keep saying they don't know anything about his odd behavior.
"I honestly don't get it," I was saying to Hayley right now. "He hasn't spoken to me or even looked at me in a full week."
Hayley placed her apple juice on the table. "Amelia, don't take it personally. Elijah did this to me when we had our thing, too. But for me it was ecause of my safety. I don't know if it's the same reason, but I'm sure its nothing big."
I decided listen to Hayley and give Elijah his space, but eleven more weeks passed and I was growing restless. It was really beginning to annoy me.
I finally decided I was done with Elijah's stupid games. I knocked on his door.
He answered, dressed in his usual attire.
"Amelia, I'm really busy right now and-"
"We're done," I simply interrupted.
He blinked. "What?"
"I'm breaking up with you, Elijah. I don't know what's going on and why you're acting like this, but I'm done with the games. I hope you live a great life!" I turned on my heel, walked into my room and slammed the door shut. I collapsed on my bed and just let my emotions come through. I laid there and just cried.

~ Two Weeks Later ~
Amelia POV
Elijah has tried talking to me on multiply occasions, but I decided not to talk to him. I've been giving him the silent treatment, but only because I was still upset. I never understood why he kept ignoring me and practically slamming doors in my face whenever I tried to talk to him.
Hayley told me to talk to him, but I refused. I'm not holding a grudge or anything, I'm just upset and I need my time to cool down. In the meantime, Niklaus and Camille have gotten together. They seem like a good couple, although they have their differences.
"Amelia, I think you should talk to my brother," Niklaus said to me. All the family was out on a trip except for me and Niklaus.
I shook my head. "I'm not ready, Klaus."
"Not ready?" He questioned, obviously not getting it.
I sighed. "I'm having my doubts about the relationship."
Niklaus looked taken back. "Amelia Claire, half sister of Davina Claire, and you're having doubts?"
I once again, sighed. "It's not that easy, Niklaus. He didn't talk to me for weeks!"
"Because he felt bad about the way he treated you the day he stopped talking to you!" Niklaus exclaimed. "He wanted to give you some space!"
"And that's what I'm giving him," I said in a monotone voice, ending the conversation.
It's been three days since that conversation and I'm assuming Niklaus told Elijah about it, because now Elijah's becoming desperate. He even snuck a note into my room while I was taking a shower. I haven't read the note, and I don't know if I want to or not.
Hayley and Jackson got an apartment right next to ours, but Hope went with them, so now I don't have baby to distract me from Elijah. Nope. Instead, I have Freya Mikaelson.
"Where are we going?" I asked Freya as she led me down a darkened street.
"A club," Freya answered simply.
We arrived at a abandoned building that was flowing with people.
"This is crazy," I told Freya as we stepped inside.
She looked over at me and smiled before handing me a drink.
"You know it takes, like, one hundred of these cups for a vampire to get drunk, right?"
Freya laughed. "Drink up, Amy. Drink up!"

By midnight, I was completely wasted. I have had about six hundred glasses of alcohol and I was beyond myself. Me and Freya had a hard time stumbling home, but we eventually made it. We arrived at six in the morning and came home to a surprise.
The whole Mikaelson family was in the living room, anxious looks on their faces. I knew the looks were for their sister, not for me.
"Where the hell were you?!" Niklaus all but shouted.
Me and Freya giggled at his angry expression and Niklaus seemed to realize that we were drunk as hell.
"You guys are drunk!" Niklaus exclaimed and groaned.
Suddenly, Elijah was in front of me, looking into my bloodshot eyes. "Amelia?" He questioned.
I look up, all of my drunkenness suddenly gone. "Yeah?" I whispered.
"You may not remember this," he whispers back. "But, I love you."
My breath hitched in my throat and then I was out like lightning.

I awoke to a bright light and it made my head ache more. I sat up with a groan and I suddenly remembered everything from last night. Elijah told me he loved me. He LOVED me!!!
I jumped out of bed, not even caring I was wearing the black dress I had went out in last night, and raced to Elijah's room. He was still sleeping. With a sigh, I returned to my room and decided to get ready.
I put some blue jeans on, a black long sleeve lace shirt, black boots and I left my hair in its natural waves.
When I went downstairs, Niklaus, Kol and Elijah were talking in the living room.
I bounced right passed them, calling out, "Good morning, my loves!!"
I skipped into the kitchen. well aware of them following me.
"Is she still drunk?" I heard Kol ask.
I didn't hear anything after that.
"Anybody want pancakes?" I opened the fridge. When I closed it, Elijah was standing there. "Hi!" I said, placing the milk on the counter. I gave him a peck on the cheek before getting the rest of the ingredients out.
"Are you still drunk?" Niklaus asked.
"Nope!" I exclaimed. "I'm very happy this morning!"
"So happy that you're willing to talk to me again?" Elijah asked in a doubtful tone.
"I didn't stop talking to you, silly! I was giving you you're space, like you gave me mine! Now were equal!" I pecked his cheek once again as I walked by. "Besides, I love you too."
His eyes widen. "You remember?"
I nodded. "Mhmmm," I mummered. "And if I recall, it's the best thing that I've ever heard anybody say in my life."
Elijah smiled, a bright and cheeky smile. "She loves me!" He exclaims.
I laugh and squeal as he picks me up and twirls me around. When he sets me back down, he kisses me.
"I love you," he mummers against my lips.
"I love you too!"

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