Intro: Let Me Know

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I walked out of my new flat in Gangnam-gu, I locked the door behind and headed out to meet Taehyung. It's been a month already since I moved out from his shared house with Jungkook. I finally managed to convince Taehyung to let me live alone besides I don't want to be a burden to them anymore.

I went inside the uber and I look at my fingers, the ring he gave to me three years ago, I was still wearing it.

Right, It's been three years since Jimin left that day and I still don't know the reason, Taehyung told me he doesn't know where Jimin is as well as Jungkook, I just don't know about Yoongi and Hoseok. I haven't seen them for 2 years. I believed Jungkook and Taehyung when they say they didn't know Jimin's whereabouts since we are practically with each other twenty four-seven.

The first months after Jimin left I spend sulking on my room, I can't believe that he just left like that, It was so hard for me  to accept it, I feel like all of what happened is just a joke, I keep on questioning myself, what happened?

Then I spent the following months finding him, Hiring investigators, going to the places where Jimin was last seen then I got tired of it, I feel like he doesn't want me to see him. After a year when Jimin went missing, I moved with Taehyung and I never contacted Hoseok, Yoongi and Namjoon but not totally cut off the connections, It was just too hard for me to believe that none of them knew. A year ago, I resigned to ParkMin, Yoongi as the acting CEO, the company is still on top and nothing can ever stop ParkMin.

The last lead I received is Jimin was in Busan but unlike the first year, I didn't go. Maybe I'll just wait, but sometimes I feel like he's not coming back, he didn't even tried to contact me, not even once in 3 years.

Why didn't he let me know his reasons? I could've understand, not like this, not like he just disappeared and just leave a letter behind? I kept his phone with me.

I get off the uber and handed the driver my credit card, Jungkook and Taehyung are already inside with Seokjin, I smiled widely as I gripped on the bag as I pushed myself inside.

Seokjin smiled at me and I returned.

I walked towards their table, Seokjin pulled me in his arms and hugged me tightly, He stayed in United States for a year and I was so happy to see his back, I hugged him equally tight and kissed his cheeks.

"Hello Jin! I'm so happy to see you again"I said and we sit, Taehyung walked out from the cafe counter, Yes Taehyung opened a cafe Two years ago and it was really successful at the moment and had birthed 5 more branches around seoul.

"Me too, I can finally take a break you know?" He said and I chuckled then he suddenly went serious "Have you heard the news around the empire?" He asked and I pretend that I don't listen.

"Hyung, We doesn't really involve ourselves around the empire anymore, It's been a year already" Jungkook said and Taehyung nodded.

A year ago, Taehyung, Jungkook and Seokjin, finally untangled their selves from the empire and we still doesn't have any idea who will be the new leader. Yesung was nowhere around, Lino has been my guard along with Taehyung's body guard John. Taehyung insisted that I should have John and Lino around me, I don't complain because they have been a very good friends of mine the past years.

"I know that Kook, but a new head has been appointed, The empire has been taking it wholeheartedly and you wouldn't believe who it is" Seokjin said and I look up.

"Who?" Taehyung softly asked as he sip on his latte.

"Yesung" Seokjin said and my eyes widen "And I have figured it out, Jimin is coming back one of these days, I heard that last night a gala was held and Jimin officially announced that he was stepping down" Seokjin said and my hand trembles. I don't know what to say, I can't even think straight.

"I-i'll just go to the bathroom" I said and Taehyung looked at me with worry and I shrugged.

When I reached the bathroom, I stare at my reflection at the mirror, if it was true that Jimin would come back, Am I ready? I don't what would I say and I'm hurt that he just left and for Three Years he didn't even tried to reach out. I'm angry, Yes I am.

I washed my hands and get a napkin to dry my hands and went back to our table, Seokjin and Jungkook were laughing and they smiled as I sit back on my chair.

I placed my hand on the table and they were staring at my finger where the ring is placed.

"What if Jimin came back Y/N? Would you still accept him?" Seokjin asked and I shifted my gaze from my hand to his eyes.

"I don't know" That was the only thing that roll from my tongue because That's the truth, I don't know.

3 years isn't a joke, a lot happened from those years, the fact that I tried finding him but with every try I failed, I got all the informations I needed to see him but everytime I does he managed to get away. He managed to hide. He doesn't want me to see him.

I'm scared to hear his explanations, I'm scared to hear the truth behind him leaving.

Before I was so eager to know the truth behind Hoseok's but now? I am so afraid.

"Y/N?" Jungkook called a little louder and I looked at him, snapping me out from my bubble of thoughts.

"Sorry? Are you saying something?" I asked and they nodded.

"I'm talking about Namjoon's invitation on Saturday, I hope you'll come with us" Seokjin said and I smiled and nodded.

"Of course" I said "is it dinner?" I asked and Jungkook nodded "I'm so glad you'll come with us, Hoseok hyung wouldn't shut up about you" He said and I chuckled. The last time I saw Hoseok is during his wedding which is a year and half a go, It was in Gwangju, it was the prettiest Garden wedding I've ever seen, Yuri looks so beautiful and now Yuri is bearing their first child. Hoseok's new prince.

After the cafe, Jungkook dropped me on my flat, I stood outside the gate as I waved my hand on his retreating car. I looked around my neighborhood, the houses are identical but my flat is different and Lino helped me in moving.

Now I was thinking what Seokjin said, Yesung. Yesung is the new head of the empire, is it the reason he disappeared as well a month after Jimin? Is it Jimin's plans? Make Yesung as the head?

I looked around and I noticed a familiar figure on the end of the street. It looked extremely familiar. I start walking towards him, my eyes is getting blurry from the tears.

"J-jimin" He was smiling at me but before I could take another step a hand grabbed my arm and I turn around.

"Ms. Kim? Where are you going?" Lino asked and I shake my hand from his grasp and looked at where Jimin is standing but he isn't there anymore.

"Ms. Kim? Are you okay?" He asked and I looked at him with my tearfilled eyes and shake my head.

"J-jimin, I- i s-saw Ji-jimin" I said and he looked at me with unreadable expression.

"That was impossible Ms. Kim, Mr. Park is in Ilsan with Sir Namjoon Ms. Kim" He said and my eyes widen.

"Then he is really back?" I asked crying even more and he sighed

"Let's get you inside Ms. Kim, The rain is pouring down soon" He said and I sighed, I looked at the end of the street again where I saw Jimin before following Lino inside.

If Jimin let me know his reasons I would've understand, not like this, he just left me? And Three years have gone by so far and I don't know if I can keep going.

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