Ash's story

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Mays pov

Serena must really be scared... oh yeah Ash is still crying. "Ash, can you tell me, without crying, whats going on?"

"I... I turned again...." "oh well I think there must be a way to stop you from turning.." "I think I have to turn Serena to a vampire.. should I?" "I think the matter is to find her first."

Shortly after

Ash pov

"Serena!" still nothing but the sound of rustling leaves. I was getting really worried and the sun was just going down. Everyone was looking for her and it doesn't help that I could just turn whenever, the sad thing is all of my friends have learnt how to control turning....

I heard a faint scream "SERENA!!!" I was running to the scream and then I turned... the strange thing was I was running extremely fast an i could see and smell 1000 times better then before.

The faint scream got louder and louder until I could see two shadows in the distance one was large and looked like he was holding a weapon the other looked like Serena, tall and skinny.

I had no control over my body, I ran straight at the man with the weapon and punched him in the face, he turned and faced me violently swinging an axe at me. I grabbed a hold of the axe and swung at him slashing his arm and torso.

The man cried out in pain, holding his gaping wounds, Serena on the other hand was staring in awe, dumbstruck unable to move or say anything.

The rest of the search party caught up hugging Serena and congratulating me for fighting off the scary man, but there was one thing on my mind, and it was to show Serena all the things shes missing out on!

Later that night

I had replayed the events in my mind for hours now and I don't know what to do or say, I'm just happy Serena is ok.

There was a knock at my door, I was slowly getting up when Serena invited herself in. Personally I was shocked to see her have the courage to even come near me after all the things I have done.

She walked in and sat on my bed, not saying a word or even making eye contact with me, I wouldn't blame her!

Five minuets had passed and she said something, it was so faint but I could only just hear she said "I'm sorry" I thought you had got to be kidding me when I was getting a sharp pain in my front teeth, it was happening again....

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