Full Moons

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Serena POV

It's going to be a full moon tonight, now that I know that Vampires are real I'm wondering if Ware Wolves are real too......

Misty interrupted my thoughts, "Serena, I know your scared for Ash but, you gonna have to live your life just as normal as it was before." "because if people notice something strange the are going to ask, and they don't know about Vampires...." "ok Mist I will try to be as normal as I can..."

I asked her "sso if youu know aabout vampires dddo you know about waare wolves...?" There was a short silence. "umm sure what do you want to know about them?" I sat in silence for a little while "so they are real....?" "YES yes they are..."

I was scared Vampires and now ware wolves!? I need to tell Ash straight away!

I walked up too his room and knocked on the door "Ash I need to talk to you..." there was a quiet rustling then a husky voice said "I'm coming what do you want!"

I thought to my self oh gosh... IT'S HAPPENING AGAIN!!!! I yelled "NEVERMIND" and he ripped the door down..... I was running and screaming "HELP MEEEE". I ran past Drew's room, he opened the door and grabbed Ash by the shoulders, pulling him into his room.

There was a couple of moments where they were screaming at each other. Then Ash walked out completely fine! He said "Hi Serena,what are you doing over here?" he went to give me a hug and I screamed "NO STAY AWAY FROM ME!!!" Ash looked at me puzzled, "Serena whats wrong!?" I ran out the front door of the apartment and down the stairs, he was chasing me.

May ended up chasing after Ash, I was at the edge of the forest, I ran in. The panic and fear must have taken over because, I seriously hate forests! But I kept running in deeper and deeper until there was nothing left to see but trees.

May's POV

Oh god, she ran into the forest! I didn't chase after her, after all I over heard Misty's conversation.Ware Wolves. I need to call the police or something...

I found Ash, he was sitting on the floor, crying. I asked him, "Ash whats going on?"

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