Ash and Mays Plan

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Ash's POV

I woke up, to find Serena half on the floor and half on the bed, all i could do was laugh but then I placed her up right without her noticing.

I walked into the bathroom making minimal noise brushing my teeth and putting on some new clothes, I need to talk to May, I think she will help me plan our date and, the house party for us. I did think it was best for no one to know but now that I think about it, if everyone knew it would be an easy and great surprise for her.

It was 7:15 on a Monday morning and I was making my way down the stairs to May's room. I knocked on the door, she was staring at me really funny, she looked so tired. " ahh hey May I need to discuss something important with you." "uh sure what is it?" "we can not talk here, we need to go to a cafe or something, please get changed we are going to the cafe ok, oh and please hurry we can't tell anything to Serena ok?" "uhh sure, just hang on a sec"

May returned 20 mins later, we hopped in the car, shortly after we arrived at a cafe on the out skirts of town. We ordered something small to eat and I decided to tell her what's up. "So as I said I need your help with something, in three days its Serena's 22 birthday, and our two year anniversary, I'm going to propose to her" "My plan is to go out on a nice dinner date then-- I was cut short of my sentence "WoAh wait, so your going to propose to her!?" "well yes on the first day we went out I told her I will marry her someday..." "but Ash don't you think your too young, I mean yes your 24 and all but, it might be a bit much... but ok I will help you it's your girlfriend."

"As I way saying dinner date then, I want to drive home open the door and the lights will be off then boom surprise, then I get everyone to be quiet and say a speech then get down on one knee and yeah, so can you do that for me?"

"Sure I can, but first dinner reservation, ring, then you prepare the speech, I can handle everything else from there!"

"Thank you so much, do you want me to pay you or anything?" "Nah I will be fine"

And with that we were all set, we got back in the car and drove to the shops, I went to the jewelers, I wasn't sure what ring to get, but I know her favorite color is pink, so I found the perfect one with a pink stone in the middle with diamonds all around the outside, it was silver. I also bought a matching necklace for her birthday.

After that May and I checked the reviews of some of the best restaurants in town, we picked one right in the heart of the city, everything was so neat and fancy, I got to try some of the food it was brilliant!

May then suggested that I should buy a new suit for this big event. so we went to the local tailors and bought a handmade suit for me, it was black with a red tie just to match my eyes and Serena's dress.

We arrived home at about 12:30 and Serena looked worried, I walked in and her face lit up, she ran towards me giving the biggest bear hug ever. I was so happy to finally be together with her again, it was strange being with another girl than your own!

She kissed my nose and said "where have you been I was scared.. and" "shhh, I'm home now" I cradled her like a baby, she looked up at me with those blue eyes boring into my soul, she was so fucking adorable.

I set her down and told her that I went to the shops, that's when I remembered about roses, shit I forgot the flowers! a wave of panic came over me, Serena hugged me softly stroking my back, I calmed down thinking about how nice it was if she was stroking my hair, she hasn't done that in awhile.

My thoughts where crashed out of the way when Serena grabbed my hand, sliding her fingers through the gaps in mine, her hand was so small compared to mine, she's such a fragile girl....

My thoughts trailed off, she had taken me upstairs to our room, she led me to the window and pulled my hands around her waist, she's starting to excite me, oh Serena your so cute.......

Sorry for all the love and filler crap, sometimes you need that to build up a great story and anticipation for the next chapter.

As always love Ashley


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