Ambushed on The Best Day of our Lives

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Ash's POV

I took Serena's hand and guided her over to the restaurant that May and I had a look at the other day. We walked in and the attendant asked for a last name "uhh Ketchum" "Thank you please take a seat over near the far window, we will be serving you shortly."

We walked over and took our seats I asked Serena "Do you like this?" "Ash you couldn't have picked a better place than this, it looks so expensive and amazing!" "Im glad you like it!"

The waiter came to our table "What would you like for starters?" We looked at our menus, Serena pointed too cheese toast, I said "We will have cheese toast, a wine for my girlfriend and Jim Beam Honey Whisky please." "Thank you for placing your order it wont take long." The waiter walked away and Serena scolded me "Don't you get drunk now, you still have to drive!" I laughed at her, don't you worry I will only have one." she gave me a weird look then looked outside.

"Ash Im so glad I met you." "Aww Serena I am too" She pulled out a small dark blue box from her bag "Ash happy anniversary" she passed me the box and blew me a kiss. I opened the box and found a silver chain, I pulled it all the way out of the box and turned the small rectangular pendant over. It read: AshxSerena with ruby's all around our names. Serena looked at me "So do you like it?" "Serena, I love it, just like I love you!" I wanted to give her a hug but our food had arrived. I asked the waiter if they could bring out spaghetti for two, and she nodded "Is that all" "Oh and for dessert, a large plate of your finest chocolate brownies please." "Certainly" The waiter hurried away.

Serena picked up a piece of the cheese toast, and motioned for me to pick one up as well. She put it in front of my mouth, just as I did too, we both took a bite at the same time. I loved feeding her, I found it fun. We both finished our toast and started laughing. She whispered "Ash its on your face, hahaha!" I took the cheese off my face and placed it on a napkin.

She stared at me and I stared at her "Ash will we ever get married?" "Well I don't know, should we?" she paused and looked out the window, I wish I could read thoughts and not be a vampire. I was afraid if she said no what was I going to do with the ring and the surprise party? She looked at me and smiled "when we're ready"

The waiter place a bowl of spaghetti in front of us and gave us fresh coke. I gave Serena a look and said "Well you go first, tell me how it tastes" she picked up a string of spaghetti on her fork and placed it in her mouth. She started eating more and more, so I decided to eat as well.

I know this will sound cliche but we ended up with one string left and ate it together so we kissed. She gave me a cheeky smile and took a sip of her coke. We talked into the night, before our dessert came out, the most fanciest looking chocolate brownies in the world.

Serena looked at me wide eyed "Please do what you did when I was sick, Please." I picked up one of the warm, soft brownies, and placed it near her mouth. She ate it slightly bitting my finger again I laughed at her "Oh Serena, you did it again!" she laughed and picked one up herself, and put it in front of my face, I quickly pulled my fangs out, just for this moment. I ate the brownie and scraped her finger with my right fang. She looked at me and smiled "You stupid Vampire." We couldn't finish the brownies, I took her hand.

We walked over to the counter and I paid for our food. We walked outside the cool night air hit me like a bus, Serena started to shiver, I took the coat off my suit and put it around Serena, "Do you feel better now" "Yes Ash thank you"

I took her hand an led her over to the lake, we sat down on one of the park benches. I pulled her closer to me and looked down, she looked up at me I leaned down and kissed her, she pulled away and said "can we go home I'm really cold" "Ok only if i can kiss you some more." "fine" I kissed her again and again.

I then pulled her up and took her hand, we walked over to the car, I opened her door for her like a real gentle man, she smiled and got in.

I drove home and opened her door again "I said can we just take a minuet to admire how beautiful you are." She smiled "Mr. SmoothAF" and rolled her eyes, she's starting to get playful.

I opened the door and the lights where off just like I planned, Serena grabbed my hand and held it tightly, I don't know why. We walked inside and BOOM the lights came on, everyone jumped out of their hiding spots and ran over yelling "SURPRISE!!" Serena almost fell over I picked her up and held her tightly "I planned the perfect day for you and now I have some important words to say." "Ash what are you doing, please don't embarrass me..."

I thought really hard about what I was going to say then I said what I thought. "Serena since the day I found you in that forest, I fell in love, you shinned out from all the rest. Over these past two years, I have given up on my dream and started a new one, To get you to love me. That succeeded, and I am so proud of you for overcoming your fear of me even when, I had the urge to kill you. Serena you are now my all, my life and everything I know." I pulled the box from out of my pocket, and got down on one knee. "Serena I love you so much, Will you marry me?"

She cried tears of joy "Ash... I... Will" I got up from one knee and placed the ring on her finger "Serena, I love you more than anything in this world!" I hugged her tightly and kissed her. There where cheers and shouts of excitement from all of our friends, clapping and tears of joy. I wiped the tears from her eyes, she looked at me, "The ring is so pretty, Ash I cant tell you how much I love you" She embraced me, wrapping her hands around my neck when the guy with the axe, slashed open the door and said "Serena will die right now" Serena backed Away from me "Don't you dare touch Ash" she walked out in front of me and put her arms out before i could do anything he pulled a gun out and shot her in the chest, she screamed then fell into my arms "SERENA!"

I started to tear up "No this cant be happening.." Drew grabbed the axe and killed the man, I sat on the floor cradling my fiancé "Serena, SERENA STAY WITH ME!!" she looked at me "I..... Love.....yo" She was gone "NOO SERENA WHY" I cried "THIS CANT HAPPEN, SERENA"

My friends all came and hugged me we all cried when Misty said "Ash you can bring her back to life, DO IT NOW"

I got the ending idea from Amorfictoner. Thanks so much for reading, Last chapter coming out tomorrow, so be prepared, its going to be a good one!!


As always Love Ashley😊

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