Bringing Her To Life

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I love PRB12's work its so amazing! Anyway I have decided that this is the last chapter, it will be long and have some Vampire related things in it, I will warn you when the Vampire stuff will happen. Hope you all like it, Love Ashley.


I was crying, I honestly didn't know what, to do, I should have protected her, Serena's gone now......

"Ash..... ASH... ASH, FUCKING ANSWER ME!" "........oh *Sniffles* yes Misty......" "You CAN bring her back, YOUR A VAMPIRE" The room fell silent, I looked up at Misty, tears still rushing down my face, She towered over me, "Ash lay her down on the couch, I will teach you what to do..." "But... Misty, how......"

I Laid Serena down on the couch, her body was still warm, from me holding her. She had died with her eyes open, "Her blue eyes......" Misty slapped me "She isn't gone yet, so hurry up and listen to me before she is, there is a time limit on these types of things you know!" My face stung with pain, I had to snap out of it she is still here




"Ash you need to drink her blood." Everyone gasped, "But Misty! Thats not safe-" "Shut Up and do it or you WILL LOSE Her." I got down on my knees and moved her hair out the way, I could sense the warm liquid under neath her skin, it was becoming cold. I pulled my fangs out and seeped them into her neck, no flinching or screaming, no reaction at all.

I must have let it take me away, because Misty pulled off of Serena's dead body, "Now now, slow down or you will guarantee her death, Ash" Damnit I let myself go again.

"Now give me your hand..--" "Wait what.." She grabbed my hand and drew out a knife from her pocket, she slit my wrist, "What the hell!?" "HURRY UP, YOU NEED TO LET IT DRIP INTO HER WOUND!" This is so fucking strange, I moved my arm to where her gun shot wound was and let my blood drizzle into it.

After about half an hour Misty pulled my hand away and sealed it with the other side of the knife "Can you feel your senses at all!?" She waved her hands in front of my face "You would have died your self if I didn't stop you!" I was angry, she wouldn't know what it was like to lose someone you love. "Hey I have no clue, What the actual fuck is going on ok"

She looked at me "This is called a Vamp Blood Transfusion ok, its what a vampire does to turn someone else, ok" I pointed to Serena, her eyes where now closed, I was freaking out really badly, Fuck Fuck Fuck FuCk this is not how it should happen!

I got up and walked to the kitchen "Hey where are you goin---" I stopped in front of the fridge and opened the door, I pulled out my favorite whisky. "Don't you get drunk you idiot!" Drew rushed over and took the bottle out of my hands, "Give it BACK IM GOING TO LOSE IT!!" I smashed the glass bottle on the floor, by now most of my friends have gone up stairs to comfort each other, it was only Drew, May, Misty, Serena and I.

I tackled Drew "WhY WOULD YOU.." Misty walked over and punched me in the back of the head. "Get over here you dick head, stop having a panic attack, Screw you head on, this night mare is almost over!" Drew chained my wrists together and walked me over to Serena.

Her wound had completely healed and i could hear her heart beating again, she started to breath. I could not believe this was happening. Drew untied me and let allowed me to sit next to her. I stroked her hair "Serena can you hear me?"


Serena slowly opened her eyes "Ash... what happened?" She started to scream "AHHHHH" She was crying "MISTY WHATS GOING ON?" Misty pointed her knife at me "Sit down you vamp, or I'll kill you." "What...?" "SIT DOWN, AND CLAM DOWN, I'LL KILL YOU ALL" This whole thing must have taken its tole on her now. Serena's screams where still in the background "SERENA" She stopped screaming, I turned around, She was sitting up right. "What are theses, they are new?!"

I jumped right on top of her "SERENA YOUR ALIVE, YOUR BACK TO NORMAL!" She looked at me and frowned, "have we met before?" my smile turned into a frown, "You don't know who I am..." the tears welled in my eyes. "I'm kidding" she pulled me onto her, "Its so great to have you back, it felt like I was asleep for an eternity." "we brought you back from the dead." Misty cut in "Your a vampire now"

Serena looked at me "Ash is that true, is that why I can feel fangs in my mouth?" "Yes Serena it is, your my Vampire now." She looked scared and happy at the same time, giving me that memorable cheeky smile, I kissed her, again and again and again, our fangs clashing together a few times. She wrapped her hands around my neck, stroking my hair, pulling me closer and holding me.

We lifted away from each other out of breath, the stare game began "Thank you for the most perfect day ever!" She hugged me, sending my body crashing into hers. I just love that girl so much.

Misty. Drew and May where staring at us. Misty had finally calmed down, I gave them a glance then said thank you to Misty even though she was being a bitch going about trying to handle the situation like she did, she's not even a vampire how does she know all of this shit?

I walked up stairs with Serena once again at my side, we walked into our bedroom and collapsed hand in hand with each other on the bed. Serena looked at me in the eye she asked "What color do my eyes change into when I turn?" "Hmm, green." "thats soo cool!!" she hugged me "we are the perfect vampire couple!"

We went to bed shortly after, it was so tiring going through all of that in less than two hours. I could feel her kissing me in my sleep.

I wonder what the future holds for us?

Well thank you all for coming along for the ride of changes our favorite pokemon/ vampire couple has been through, I might write another book what do you think. Anyways I love you all, Ashley

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