I tried not to believe

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Serena's POV

All I could remember was my hands reaching out to his face and him falling to the ground. Nothing about walking to bed or people tackling Ash.

I really felt sorry for him even though he has tried and almost killed me several times, I love him of course. the sad thing is after this whole vampire thing all of our pokemon had to be taken off us, because it was declared not safe for them.

You'd think Ash wouldn't trade the world for his Pikachu, but he traded him for me... my point is I feel so bad not giving anything back but being selfish, getting myself into trouble and hassling him to kill me.

His father went missing just like mine, it's one thing to relate to, a nice house but the feeling of incompleteness, like something will forever be missing....

It was 7:59 am and my face was in my pillow, thinking, I really want to cry but there are no tears left. after the past weeks events I've cried, laughed, loved. The thing is I noticed it repeats in a cycle cry, laugh, love.

There was a knock at my door and May let herself in, "morning sweetie, I have made you hot chocolate and pancakes!!" "thanks soo much May" she came and sat next to me, so what do you remember from last night?

I had half a pancake in my mouth when I stopped chewing, May stared at me waiting for me to finish. I told her my hands reaching and Ash falling. she told me through mouthfuls of hot chocolate "you know Drew and I were walking past to go to bed when I heard your sobs, Drew stormed in latching onto Ash and pulling onto the ground" my eyes widened with fear, but May quickly reassured me that Ash was ok because he was in "superhuman" mode.

We finished the rest of our breakfast in peace, and made our way down to the main living space, we washed our dishes and sat on the couch. Misty and Dawn made their way down the stairs with Paul and Tracey not too far behind them.

They sat opposite us Misty stated what she had wanted to say " Serena the whole apartment has heard what happened last night, we had a meeting and we figured the only person, physically and mentally strong enough to stop Ash is Drew, so from now on Drew will permanently check on you two when your together every ten mins to reassure us that your ok," "because Ash still hasn't mastered being a vampire yet.."

I silently nodded my head and agreed. I had something to say so I sat up straight and looked at everyone. "so I have thought and thought about the fact that I am pretty selfish when it comes to Ash, I silently manipulate him to kill me, and do stupid things like run into the forest at sunset.., things like that shouldn't happen, especially after everything that has happened to Ash over the years, he doesn't need me being selfish."

They agreed and gave me their condolences, it was time to face the music, it was time to see Ash, time to conquer the fear.....

Hey guys!!! More reads equals more chapters!! Thank you all and Merry Christmas!

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