Serena, you Need To Be Careful!

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Hey, you there, you see that drawing, yes it's one of my own creations.

Ash's POV

This was strange Serena stared up, giving me a cheeky smile, I forgot my hands where still on her waist... those damn eyes of hers I can't stop looking they are just so amazing, I didn't know anyone's eyes could be as blue as hers.

She was now on her tip toes, leaning up towards me, I could sense the change happening, but I wasn't worried about it. I leaned down to close the gap, when she became unbalanced, she was falling when I gripped her waist tighter pulling her small body towards me. I softly whispered "are you alright?" she looked ok but embarrassed, she was blushing and looking down too the floor.

I pulled her chin up and kissed her, upon feeling my fangs she pulled back but came in again, sending shivers down my spine, only she could make me feel this way....

Serena's POV

I thought about it for a moment his hair, I made him sit on one side of the bed and me in front of him, his black raven hair was so long and straight, I started running my fingers through it he blushed and grabbed my shoulders.

We gazed into each others eyes, it was so silent you could hear a pin drop, he gazed at me somewhere else, Ash is not the dirty type...

I moved his gaze back up to my face, he laid his head on my shoulders, it looked like he has had a busy day, I started to play with his hair again, he slowly drifted off to sleep.

I stared at him for a little longer just so I could make out his stunning features, perfect face, beautiful eyes and smile, amazing jet black hair, muscles... the list could go on, he is what every girl dreams....

I really do wonder what he was doing at the shops so early in the morning, and with May, that's a bit strange but oh well, he's back now.

I slowly left Ash to sleep, I was a little hungry so I went down stairs to eat some of those delicious chocolate brownies, May was down there, so I decided to ask her what they were up to this morning "Hey May!" "umm hi Serena" she was a little fidgety, which was strange. "So what where you doing at the shops with Ash so early in the morning?" "ahh we were having coffee, and just talking about stuff..." "Alright then I believe you, but next time tell me that your going with him, I was worried about where he went ok" "ok right.."

I looked in the pantry for the brownies, there was only two left so I ate them, they were so yummy.

I decided I would go for a little walk. I walked along the pathway, past the forest over to the beach that was near by. Its been a long time since Ash and I have been to the beach, it was so much fun with all of our Pokemon with us, I really miss fenniken but is was best for her to not be around us.

I sat over near the shore, our anniversary is in two or three days and I'm not sure what to get Ash, I think I might buy a silver necklace with our names engraved on it, I think that would be cool....

It was around sunset and someone was calling my name in the distance and the there were foot steps from behind me, I could see Ash in the distance, but I could feel someone touching me from behind.

I looked back at Ash, he was running and had the most worried look on his face, when the same guy who tried to kill me in the forest was behind me, he had massive teeth, they were bigger than Ash's fangs. A wave of panic came over me when a large shadow jumped over me, it was Ash!

"What do you want, you asshole, you almost killed my girlfriend a few months ago." his tone was strong. I was surprised he swore he has gotten out of that habit. Thats what I thought. The man said "I'm here to kill both of you, and then all of your friends!" I gasped, I mean I have come so close to death before but, this is super scary.

Ash said not if I could help it, he pounced on him punching him in the nose and jaw, Ash turned around while the other guy was stunned, "RUN SERENA!!!" Ash never yells at me but this is a good reason I was scared "but Ash...." "SERENA NO BUTS, I DON'T WANT YOU TO SEE THIS SIDE OF ME!!" he was frightening me so I ran for my life, back up the hill an past the forest I was focused on reaching the house.

I saw Drew out the front he was looking frantic, he saw me and ran over "Where's Ash!?" "Ash is fighting a guy who wants to kill us!" I chocked back tears, not knowing what could happen was the worst! Drew than ran in the direction that I came from, I really wanted to follow, but I have to listen to Ash..

About an hour later we could see Drew and Ash walking up the pathway, May and I ran towards them, the small crowd behind us cheered and clapped, I could see Ash didn't look to well, I hugged him so tightly not wanting to let go. I held his hand and lead him to the house steps, he looked very unbalanced. I got him to sit down, I really didn't want to know what he did to that man, only what the man did to him.

"Ash what did he do to you?" "He.... punched..... me.... in.... the side..." I could tell it was very hard for him to breath. I laid him down on the grass and ran inside to get some ice, pain killers, water and various alcohols to fix up the scratches.

He took his shirt of, and oh my god the bruise was massive, I placed the ice on it and he winced, I said "Don't worry it won't hurt that much" He smiled that cheeky smile of his "What would I do without you?" I treated the rest of his cuts
And made sure Ash didn't have any broken ribs.

I did the last checks on him then, got him to stand up, so we could walk inside and to our room. since Ash has bunk beds I slept on the top, just to give him personal space, while he slept on the bottom. hopefully he will be ok for my birthday...

More fillers _._ next chapter is exciting!!

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