Its My Birthday

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Serena's POV

I woke up our bed with no Ash in sight, it was my birthday!!! I jumped out of the bed and had a shower, the water was very warm on my skin. I was just about to open the door when I noticed a single rose, and a very beautiful hand written note on the floor for me. I picked up the rose being careful of the thorns, I read the note { To my lovely girlfriend Serena,
Please come down stairs, Im waiting for you, Ash }

I ran down stairs to find that Ash has set the table for two, Ash was cooking pancakes. "Ash, this looks amazing!" "Oh morning sweet heart!" "Happy birthday!" he kissed my cheek and gave me a hug, "which side of the table do you want?" "whatever side it doesn't bother me." I sat in front of Ash who had brought over the pancakes, and syrup, he poured some on my pancakes and sat down to eat with me.

There was freshly squeezed orange juice in two magnificent glasses for us, I asked Ash "Did you do this all by yourself?" "Yes with a little help from May"

We finished breakfast, and I helped washing up, then Ash instructed me to sit on the couch while he put a blind fold on me, he told me to wait there. I could hear lots of foot steps, Ash took the blind fold off me, I could see everyone they all said "Happy Birthday Serena!!" in unison, i started to laugh, there was so many people looking at me it felt funny!

Ash passed me three nicely wrapped gifts for me to open, I was excited to see what he got me! I opened the first one, it was a rectangular box, I lifted the lid off the box, it was those really expensive shoes! The second box was really big I looked at the gift tag To:Serena From:Ash. I took the lid off the box, my red dress was in there! So many people where saying how beautiful the gifts where and that i had a great boyfriend, in which I did! There was one small box left, it had a pink ribbon on it, I slowly unwrapped it. In the box was the most beautiful necklace ever! it had diamonds on it and a really cute pink stone in the middle! "Serena do you like it?" "Ash its so pretty" I wrapped my arms around him. "Ash..." "yes Serena." "I love you soo much!" he kissed my forehead. "I want to see you in that beautiful dress again, please put it on so I can show you off to everyone." "I will but before can you put the necklace on me?" Ash picked up the necklace out of the box and placed around my neck, he did the buckle up and gave me a small hand mirror. Everyone broke out in "awws" and "thats so cute"

I opened some more presents from all of my friends they all saved up and bought me a charm bracelet, it was soo pretty and expensive! I hugged and thanked everyone, then ran upstairs to put my new clothes on.

The red dress fit perfectly and so did the shoes by then it was about 10:30, I walked downstairs to find everyone gone and another rose and note left by Ash { Meet me outside near the steps }

I ran outside to the steps, Ash slid his hand into mine "I want too show you the beach" "hey what happened to that guy a couple nights ago?" we kept walking down the path, passing the forest, Ash said "Drew and I didn't kill him, we knocked him unconscious." "oh so he could be roaming around now" "yea, i think he is a mutated vampire, by the size of his teeth and the way he would talk, he wasn't like Drew and I." We made it to the beach, the water was calm and there was minimal wind.

Ash motioned me to sit down on a rock perfect for two, I sat down and put my arm around Ash, he did the same. "Serena I didn't tell you but we are going out to dinner tonight." "Really where too?" "I cant tell you" He gave me a cheeky smile, I started to pout, but he just poked my nose "Your so cute when you do that" "Hmph!" I crossed my arms and turned away playing the act a bit more and Ash started to laugh, I still didn't turn around. He started tickling my sides, and I started to laugh non stop, he pulled me onto his lap, upon seeing his eyes where glowing red, I bit my lip, then pulled myself up and kissed him. He started to scrape at my neck with his fangs, I could feel the tingling sensation.

We finished up at the beach and we walked home hand in hand. We walked up the stairs into our room. I asked Ash "what are you wearing tonight?" "Its a surprise my love." "Aww but" he lifted me up at the waist so I was taller than him, for once he was looking up at me. I leaned down to kiss his head when he dropped me, then caught me right before I hit the ground "ASH" I slapped him "ASH KETCHUM YOU....." he kissed me before I could say anything else.

When we broke apart, he let me slide down to my normal size. It was 3:51 time to get ready for our "Date" "Serena I'm going to get dressed and have a shower, get ready for a great night!"

And with that he left me to get ready, i put my make up on and did my hair fancy. Ash walked out of the shower, he looked stunning with that suit on, he looked at me and said," you look perfect without make up on, but its a girl thing!" I smiled at him "You look so great, in that suit Mr. Sexy" I pulled on his tie bringing his face closer to mine, "You sexy beast" and we both collapsed laughing.

It was about 4:15 and Ash borrowed Mays car for the night, we drove to the heart of the city, Ash opened the door to let me out, I thanked him and we walked quietly to the restaurant....

Woohoo dinner date it is 2 more chapters to go guys and we may start another book!!! Thanks for reading as always love Ashley!

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