A Surprise for The Girl Of My Dreams!

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Umm disclaimer none of the artwork used is my own unless specified, all credit goes to the respectful owners ok!!

Ash's POV

Well that escalated quickly, I thought to myself as I walked out of the shower, my girls ok now, thank god I didn't kill her I would have been such a reck.

I dried my muscular body and put some shorts on, I brought my fangs out just to have a closer look, they weren't silver at the moment. I'm sort of getting the hang of turning and I have noticed that I do it when I'm in love with Serena or trying to protect her. My thoughts could have gone on for days but there was something more important coming up, our two year anniversary and I want to make it special. no one needs to know about it either.

I'm thinking about two celebrations one where Serena and I go out to a fancy dinner, and then when we come back, the whole apartment should look amazing and we can all have fun.

There was a knock on the door, disturbing my thoughts, I walked over and opened it, Serena was looking at me, her face went all red and she looked very hot in her skinny jeans and singlet. She looked as if she was going to faint, when I remembered my shirt was off...

She stammered "umm III havvent seen thosse for a longg timme..." she started to sway I put my strong arms around her and pulled her into my chest she was very very warm, I was seriously thinking she was coming down with a fever or something when she whispered "take me inside"

I gripped her back for support and she wrapped her legs around me, I sat her down on the bed, she sprawled her long legs out and I turned my fan on "Serena are you feeling ok?" she replied with a "not really"

I ran down stairs grabbing a small towel a bucket of clean water, Panadol and a glass. I ran back up stairs and she had taken her singlet off which was fine with me to see her beautiful body again. I placed everything carefully on my bedside table and pulled the computer chair over for myself to sit on.

I dipped the towel in the cool water and placed it on her head she quietly said "Thank you Ash I'm feeling a lot better now" I asked her if she wanted any water or panadol and she asked for just water. I got her to sit up and slowly made her drink the glass of water.

She stopped drinking and sat up right "Hey Ash" "yeah Serena" "Have you controlled yourself yet?" I told her what I thought "Serena when I'm with you I turn its because of you I turn, its because I love you." she gave me a surprised look and put her shirt on "Well I guess so as long as we can be safe together"

She moved closer to me and started to poke my stomach area upon feeling that it was rock hard she punched it, I made out that it hurt so she started pouting noticing that I was being sarcastic, so I started to tickle her, I moved myself onto the bed crawling over her.
I laid myself down beside her, she hugged me so tightly "Don't you ever leave me you understand!" I said " I won't"

"So Serena what do you want for your birthday?" she looked so stunned and confused, was I mixing up her birthday with someone else? She said "oh I forgot all about my own birthday.." "so what do you want?" "I want a new dress that's all, I don't have many clothes." so I took mental note.


Serena and I were moving the last of her belongings into my room, I had asked May about borrowing her car, soo I told Serena that we are going for a drive, she agreed getting out of the apartment was different from what we usually would do.

We arrived at the shops at about 12:30, we were hungry so I bought a big chicken wrap for us to share, Serena would try to take a bite out of my side but I would wave her away, nothing got between me and food!

We finished eating and walked around hand in hand for a bit looking for the right shops, I don't mind shopping when it's for my girlfriend, we walked into this shop called Cuties Boutique, Serena instantly fell in love with a red flowing dress.

She tried it on, it had a black band that stretched around her waist area and it had off shoulder straps, that's what she explained for me.

I walked off leaving Serena to look at herself in the mirror when I spotted some really nice black sandals with little gold bows on them, I quickly found a size seven and ran over to where Serena was I slipped them under the red curtain. She squealed in delight "oh Ash these are beautiful!!" I knew she would like them!

We went to the counter to pay, I told Serena to go and look at one more thing for me, while I paid for her clothes. It was about $200 and I didn't mind, anything for her!

She came back and hugged me "Thank you so much" and kissed my cheek. we walked out to the shops gardens. We sat down on a park bench, and I went to get some ice cream.

Now that I think about it, I haven't been outside the apartment for so long since I was a vampire. I brought back the ice cream and we finally sat in peace. Serena looked up at me giving me the most cutest smile, which made me think its the little things that matter. She had ice cream on her nose!

I started to laugh at her "Oh Serena your so clumsy!" I licked the ice cream off her nose and laughed at her some more, I loved it when she pouts!

After the long day we had I could tell she was very tired, her head rested on my lap. looking up at me with those stunning blue eyes, I lowered my face down to get a better look when she grabbed me an pulled me down, gently she kissed me, her love was flowing throughout my veins.

She pulled away giving me a cheeky smile when she got up and grabbed my hand she pulled my over to where the car was and asked me to drive her home all of a sudden, she looked at me in the eyes, "your eyes where glowing.." I nodded and opened her door. she kissed me on the cheek and got in the car.

I drove home and decided to hide her new clothes in my closet for safe keeping, it was our first night being together since a very long time. I like to sleep with my shirt off and she had cosy winter pjs on it was 11:15, time for us to go to bed.

I kissed her and said goodnight, she hugged me like a teddy bear and we slowly drifted off to sleep.

Well I hope you all like it, it's a really big chapter sorry! love Ashley

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