Finding a way

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Serena's POV

I found my self doing what I needed to do... talking to Ash, since the whole Vampire thing my love towards Ash has faded because of my fear of him.

If I was to maintain my relationship with him, I will have to face this stupid fear!!

I found myself in my room again with May and Misty, I guess they are preparing me for my "meeting" with Ash.

Misty chose my clothes and May helped calm my nervousness. After about an hour of rummaging around in my wardrobe we found the perfect skirt and top for me. It was a white blouse and an orange skirt. I tried it on and it still fits!!!

May and Misty escorted me to Ash's room which used to be both of ours, we walked up the stairs not saying a word. we arrive to his room and the both hugged me and watched me enter, I was so scared of Ash but I had to do it, if I didn't I would forever be scared of him.

I walked into his room and sat on the computer chair at his desk, Ash looked up at me from sitting on his bed. As May said "eye contact and the right words mean everything!" "Start of by saying hi and that your sorry"

"Ummm hi Ash." Ash replied with a short and sweet "hi" before the words tumbled out of my mouth, "Ash, I'm really sorry all of this has happened to you and the fact, that I have ruined your life and that I'm really scared of you, even though you have saved my life so many time and tried to kill me just as much, I didn't mean to be afraid of you, and I still love you don't get me wrong but Ash I'm so scared that you could kill me at any moment.."

I started to cry, he stared at me and said "well I didn't know this effected you so much, if I knew I would have tried my hardest to make sure that you would warm up to me again and we could start over... but you need to contribute too.."

I thought about his words and nodded "well let's try step by step things like me sitting next to you and maybe you hugging me or something simple.."
"Ok but there is no need for you to be sorry it's not your fault I scare you and all of that."

I got up for where I was sitting and moved closer to Ash, every step was hard but when I made it he gave me a warm smile and pulled me onto his lap, his skin was warm which was very different to his vampire self, I looked into his eyes to see them glowing red but I saw his soft, welcoming brown eyes staring into my blue ones, were we finally back to normal?

I put my arms around his neck feeling the adrenalin rush when we come together, my face now inches away from his we were smiling. There was a knock at the door and we didn't care silent staring into each others eyes feeling happy like any other normal couple, when Drew barged in with May and Misty in toe behind, Drew stated "Wow this is working look at how close they are..." Mays face was bright red "OMEHGERD!!! I'm so sorry we barged in like that!!?" and Misty's reply really got Ash and I blushing "Were you guys gonna get down and dirty..?" May and Drew laughed so hard that the whole apartment found there way upstairs in Ash's room getting comfy.

I gave Ash that look, the look I give him when I want to kiss him. He laid himself down on the bed with me still on him with wolf whistles and "oohs" coming from the small crowd. I whispered to Ash "are you ready?" He nodded and I leaned in our faces inches away again, I was so nervous it felt like the first time And I was still scared but it was all replaced with adrenalin.

Ash finished it off pulling my face closer whispering " I love you" he closed the kiss! There were cheers and claps from the crowd of friends. After what seemed forever we pulled our selfs away. I stared at Ash and he stared at me, his eyes were a different color but they weren't red.

We looked at everyone Ash said "She's a great kisser." and with that everyone laughed and clapped and I slapped Ash " you stupid boy why did you embarrass me.." He knew I was being playful so he said "because I have missed you!" there were "awws" and "you should get married" shouts.

Ash asked everyone if we could have some privacy, so everyone left apart from Drew, Misty and May. "great job guys you put on a show for everyone!!" Misty and I laughed at Mays comment. Drew and Ash hugged, the girls and I had a group hug before they left.

It was once again Ash and I alone. He closed the space between us and hugged me "Serena I thought I had lost you and myself to the monster inside of me" I wrapped my arms around his broad shoulders, he was so much taller than me. He brushed my hair out of my eyes and leaned in, he planted soft kisses along my jaw line and he moved down to my neck and I flinched and he turned, the sharp fangs scraping my neck but I didn't run or scream. I trusted him to keep me safe.

I jumped on him wrapping my legs and arms around him, he carried me over to the bed, I looked into his red eyes feeling reckless and scared, I could totally die at any moment.

He place me on the bed so carefully I was surprised someone so evil yet so charming and good can still be soft and gentle. He climbed over me and leaned in pressing himself ever so lightly on my body, I was so in love I nearly fainted, I pulled his collar and he came crashing down on me passionately kissing me until I actually fainted.

I woke up in his bed all cosy and warm I could feel his presence in the room, I looked over at the Pikachu clock on the wall 2:10. Time to find Ash I could see him staring out the window, I traced his body with my finger and he turned around pounced on me, he was normal! He tickled my stomach working his hands around my body, I was laughing so much through laughter I asked him to please stop. "Ash please.."

He finally stopped and helped me up " you sure do look beautiful today, Serena" I blushed and said "I'm hungry" he laughed and gave me a piggy back down stairs, he placed me on the couch and brought some chocolate brownies out of the pantry. "I knew you would be hungry so I quickly got May to drive me to the shops" "Hope you like them!!" he grabbed one out of the bag and pushed it near my face, I ate the brownie and slightly bit his finger. he laughed and I said "sorry but you and brownie go together nicely!" we laughed so much!! we are finally back to normal.

Hey guys this is where they get back together, thanks for reading as always it's a pleasure writing for you!! love Ashley

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