Chapter 1

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The world was once a good place – that was when there were no people in it. Then capitalism, materialism and pollution destroyed it and it became a bad place. Now it is a broken place, where everybody wishes they were dead, because they know even hell is better than a life here.

Our world is too dangerous for a girl like me. A 20-year-old who is supposed to be studying English and having fun with friends. Instead, I am roaming this godforsaken land that has been destroyed by wars and bombs – really, I mean people – and that seems abandoned, but really isn't. No, this place may seem empty and deserted, but I know better than that. I know danger lurks around every corner and hides in every shadow. From monsters that the nuclear bombs created that we call the Mixed, to gangs that steal and kill. But who can really blame them – they're just trying to survive in this broken world, just like the rest of us. Just like me.

I've become quite the expert in surviving, trying to keep myself and my little brother Mikey alive. It isn't easy, but we've had to get used to it. We've had no choice. If somebody had told me a couple of years ago that I would be living in a post-apocalyptic world, trying to survive, I would've laughed at them. Now look at me. It's exactly like that. I'm exactly like that. Damaged, but forced to stay strong. Although, honestly, I don't really know who I am anymore. The only thing that keeps me going is my little brother. He doesn't deserve this. Well, none of us do. But he... I don't know which is worse – the fact that he has to live like this or the fact that maybe I actually wish he was dead so he was in heaven instead. If such a place exists. If God exists. If he did, he wouldn't let this mess happen, right?

Mikey would have been an amazing individual in the world before the wars; in the bad world, as we like to call it. He would've inspired people to become better versions of themselves and would've made the world a better place. He would've been a little bright beacon of hope, goodness and kindness in a crumbling, harsh world. But now, in this horrible version of the world, he will never get to do or become that. Even hoping that he will get to grow up is a lot.

I look down at him sleeping in my lap. He looks so calm when he's asleep. Like the world around him isn't real. Because in this moment it isn't. I really hope he's dreaming of something beautiful. A better, nice world, where he can be what he'll never get to be in our grim reality. I hope at least in his dreams he's just a normal kid with a bright future.

But I realize in the next moment, that it isn't so. He shifts nervously and tugs at my shirt moaning in his sleep. He's having a nightmare. I stroke his hair, and whisper in his ear to try to calm him, but it doesn't work. My god, what I wouldn't give to take away his nightmare and give him a beautiful dream. But I can't. Even I, his big sister, don't have that power.

In the next moment he sits up, panting fast.

''Hey, it okay. It was just a nightmare. I'm here,'' I say with the most soothing voice I can make.

''Those monsters were chasing me again. It was horrible. They almost caught me,'' He says while sobbing quietly.

''They will never catch you, you hear me? Never. I'll make sure of that. Don't worry, Mikey, you're safe with me,'' I give him a reassuring smile and stroke his silky hair.

''Promise Tay?'' He's still sobbing. My name is Taya, but he's the only one who calls me Tay. Well, he wasn't always the only one ...

I shake my head to get rid of the completely unnecessary thought of the only boy – now a man – I've ever loved, who I'll never see again. Dylan ...

I focus my attention back to Mikey and say: ''I promise Mikey. Cross my heart and hope to live.''

We made up our own version of the saying, because it suits our world perfectly. These days it's worse to be alive than dead. Not that I have a death wish. Mikey takes all the credit for that one.

He laughs a little and I can see I've managed to cheer him up. That power I do have as a big sister.

''Come on, we gotta keep moving,'' I say to him. It's true. If you stay in one spot for too long, you're dead. Whether the mixed or the gangs find you, the point is you're as good as dead. So we stay on the road and keep travelling. All the time, no matter what. Even if one of us isn't feeling so great, or is even sick, we move. We cannot afford to rest for too long. We all know how that ends.

I get up slowly and stretch my hand out to him.

''I'm not a kid anymore, Tay. I can get up by myself.''

I smile slightly at him and respond: ''I know.''

Even though he is still a kid. To me, he'll always be my kid brother. A cute, smart, funny, amazing boy, who is now mine to protect. Since our parents died and we became orphans, I'm all he's got and he's all I've got. I live for him now. I live to protect him, to keep him safe and take care of him. I promised to him and myself I'd never let him get hurt. And I won't.

He jumps from the old, worn-out sofa and smiles. ''See? I'm perfectly capable of doing everything by myself. I don't need a babysitter.''

''Oh, so that's what I am to you, you little chicken?'' I say laughing.

He remains completely serious and replies: ''Yes. And I am not a chicken.''

''Mm, clearly,'' I say, still laughing. I'm almost a hundred percent sure I hear him let out a short laughter as well.

We pick up our bags, which are not very full. We try to move around with as little baggage as possible in case something starts chasing us and we need to run. Of course, we have some food and water with us, but we always try to find other supplies on the way.

We exit the old, half-broken house that we've slept in for the last two days. I'm sure it was a nice, well-decorated country house that belonged to a beautiful family back in the day. Today, it's just an old dump that people (and animals) use as a place to sleep in when they're passing through.

Mikey and I continue our journey through the forest, with no goal in mind, just wandering aimlessly, like we usually do. The sun is high up in the sky, because that's when it's best to travel. There are all kinds of dangers out here even during the day, not to mention the night. That's when the real monstrosities happen. You don't want to be outside at night; trust me.

We're slowly strolling through the tall trees, that are moving with the wind, when we hear it. A blood-curdling scream from behind us. I know that can only mean two things –  and neither of them is good.

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