Chapter 18

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''Drop the guns, or I kill her,'' Rick says.

I glance at Dylan, who's staring at me, shocked, with his hands raised up towards me, I'm not sure whether to try to reach and protect me or simply in sign of surrender. His eyes are wide open as he watches and studies us – more Rick than me – carefully.

Jonah stares at Rick holding me hostage for a moment, and then erupts into wild and loud laughter. Is he seriously laughing in a situation like this?

When he is done laughing he says: ''Is this supposed to be your big counter move? Is it supposed to be a threat to me? Do you honestly think that she means anything to me?''

Although I can't see Rick, because he's behind me, I'm sure his eyes are darting across the room, at me, at Jonah, at Dylan, and I'm sure he's confused and even more upset.

''She's nothing to me. You can kill her for all I care,'' Jonah says and laughs again.

Dylan shoots him a stunned, but also furious look. I'm sure they'll have a word when we get out of this. If we get out of this.

Dylan puts both his arms up and positions himself between Rick and Jonah.

''Let's all just calm down here,'' He says in a placid, composed, diplomatic voice and his face is expressionless again, even though he can very clearly see me held at gun point. He certainly knows how to keep a game face on when needed.

''Don't tell me to calm down! Tell your friend there to drop the guns or I shot your little girlfriend,'' Rick says angrily.

''Jonah, just do it. Drop them,'' Dylan orders him, but Jonah just gives him an enraged look.

''Really? I thought you were on our side, Ghost. I've been following you for so long and this is how you repay me?'' Jonah says with fury in his voice.

''I am on your side Jonah. You dropping the guns has nothing to do with it,'' Dylan says, still calm.

''Ohhh, you think I'm dumb? I know you just want to save your girlfriend over there. You don't really care about what happens to any of our asses!'' Yells Jonah.

''Of course I care about what happens to you. I care about all of you. Which is why I'm trying to get us all out of this situation alive. That only happens if you lower your guns!'' Dylan says, emotions starting to leak through his facade and show in his voice.

''We'll go, Rick, okay? You just need to let Taya go,'' Adds Dylan and looks over to us. He looks directly into my eyes and I see worry piercing through them.

''Him first,'' Says Rick. ''Tell him to release my family first.''

''Why should I? You're all just crazy motherf*****s. Maybe it would be better if you were dead,'' Says Jonah.

''Jonah. Let them go,'' Says Dylan, while turning his gaze back to him.

Jonah laughs and says: ''Oh, you'd like me to huh? You expect me to follow every order you give? Well, I'm not your toy, Ghost. You can't boss me around. Not anymore.''

''Please, Jonah. Please,'' Begs Dylan. There's real sadness in his voice and his poker-face is gone. I can sense this is his last resort and I don't even want to think about what will happen if it doesn't work.

''Say I let them go. What guarantee do you have that that crazy man there is gonna let your girlfriend go, huh?'' Says Jonah. He has a point.

''I have no intention of not letting her go. I have no use for her. I just want my family safe,'' Rick says seriously again. I think he's telling the truth. Except for the part of having no use for me, of course - he did, or better yet, still does intend to throw me out there to the Mixed in order to catch them. 

''I'll let her go as soon as you let them go and you're all at the door,'' He adds.

It becomes clear to me that however this situation plays out, we will end up out there, in the middle of the night. No outcome is in our favor right now. It all looks pretty bad in this moment.

Dylan looks at Jonah again, begging him with his gaze. ''Jonah, please,'' He adds.

''Come on, Jonah. We stick together no matter what. You're one of us,'' Says Blast.

''She isn't,'' Jonah says angrily and points at me.

''She is now,'' Blast corrects him. Thanks Blast.

Jonah curses to himself quietly, visibly pissed off. But then he slowly walks to the door, still holding the kids and Deborah at gunpoint. When he's at the door, all the other guys move towards him as well.

''Now it's your turn, Rick,'' Dylan says looking at him.

We're still at the other side of the room, I in Rick's hands, at the mercy of his gun. He pushes me forward, towards the others, his gun still pointed at me. One of his guards opens the door and the cold night wind slams into me, ruffling my hair. For a moment, I stare into the darkness, which we are about to walk into.

Then Rick releases me, and pushes me hard towards the others. Dylan catches me, grabbing my hand firmly, and doesn't let go as the events of the next few seconds unfold.

We are ready to walk through the door, when all of a sudden at the same time, Jonah point his guns at the bizarre family and shoots, and Benson attacks one of the guards, steals his gun and shoots him.

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