Chapter 10

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In the morning I'm last to get up. I'm not surprised; I was exhausted after yesterday's ordeal. I try not to think about it too much though.

I know I have to eat something for energy and strength, so I open the can of tuna that I found in that house a few days ago. I eat slowly, because I know what's gonna happen next and I don't want it to happen. I'll be left alone.

My leg is much better and so is my arm. I know I shouldn't put too much weight on the leg, but I have to walk a lot soon, so I don't have a choice. I'll just have to take it slow and make a lot of stops for rest.

But right now, I don't have to worry about that just yet. Because right now, we're still sitting on the hospital beds, eating quietly.

''So yesterday ... you saw your brother instead of that thing huh?'' Blast breaks the silence all of a sudden.

I look at him and nod, while I chew the last bit of tuna. Soon, we will part, I remind myself again.

''Must've really been a nightmare,'' He adds.

And then TJ points out: ''Monsters that make you see your worst nightmare, so they can kill you or turn you into one of them. That sounds like a nightmare in itself, but I've heard stories like that before. Stories from ancient civilisations or just stories online. Now they're are actually real.''

''You think it wanted to turn me into one of them?'' I ask him, ignoring that last part about stories online or from ancient civilizations.

''Well, you can never know. Abominations like that are way too unpredictable. I mean it seemed like it wanted to kill you. And zombies and vampires turn you into one of them by biting you, too, you know,'' He replies.

''Zombies and vampires don't exist,'' I say to him.

''Neither did the Mixed. Neither did things like that. But we saw that monster with our own eyes. It was very real,'' He's right. That thing, monster, Mixed, whatever it is – it was very real, there's no denying that.

I sigh and Blast says: ''So you'll go to New York to get your brother alone?''

I nod again and Blast adds: ''It's gonna be really dangerous.''

''Yeah, no need telling me that. I know. Tell him that,'' I point to Dylan, who's sitting on a bed in the corner and secretly eyes me from time to time. He thinks I don't notice it, but I do. Even though he doesn't think it, it's very obvious.

Blast looks over at Dylan and disappointingly shakes his head.

''It seemed like losing your brother really got to you,'' Blast says.

I nod again, but I don't say anything, 'cause the subject's too painful for me. And I think that's pretty clear.

''You'll do anything to get him back,'' Blast says like it's an absolute truth, rather than an observation. Because it is the truth. That's pretty clear too.

Then TJ turns to me and says: ''I really think helping you save your brother would be a good mission for us.''

''I agree,'' Blast adds, before Dylan can object.

''Hm ... TJ might be right ... about the mission part,'' Adds Jonah, but I doubt his intentions are the same as TJ's and Blast's.

''Agreed, but ... Ghost ...'' Adds Benson and looks at Dylan like a puppy waiting to be thrown a ball.

Now I look at Dylan expectantly, hope glimmering in my eyes. If his whole team wants to go with me, surely he won't deny them their wish. Surely, he'll let them go with me. Nope.

''We're NOT going with her. I thought I made that clear,'' He says, his voice stern.

I sigh again and say: ''Maybe it's best if you don't push it guys. I don't think Ghost is changing his mind anytime soon.''

Dylan looks at me strangely, probably because I called him Ghost, not Dylan. When I did that, it felt like I was calling someone else, not Dylan. I was calling the stoic, tough, diplomatic soldier he has become.

When I look at him, there's something in his eyes. It's like he doesn't want me to call him Ghost again.

''Look, the war is over. All the wars for that matter. We're soldier wandering around, in need of a mission. Let's all just admit it, we're in desperate need of a goal, a mission, a purpose, something. We need something to do, some kind of a goal to reach. And helping Taya find her brother sounds like the perfect mission. We'd do something good for her and we wouldn't just roam around this bizarre world,'' TJ says.

Everybody's quiet for a moment. Then Blast says: ''You're absolutely right. And if our leader can't see that we need a mission to go on, then maybe we need a new leader.''

Oh-oh. This is not good. They just questioned Ghost's authority. Surprised, I look at Dylan, but he doesn't seem to be moved at all. He's got his poker face on.

''TJ, Blast, stop. We're not doing it,'' He says, remaining completely calm.

''We did just meet her. Why should we help her?'' says Benson. I can see that Dylan is visibly relieved by the fact that maybe Benson doesn't want to help me after all. By now, I can see through his poker face a bit.

''So what? Why shouldn't we do something good for a stranger? We did that all the time overseas,'' Replies TJ.

''Fine. I'm down,'' Says Benson. Dylan closes his eyes; I think he's disappointed. He probably wanted Benson to refuse TJ's proposal.

''Besides, she's not a complete stranger. I don't get you Ghost. She's your friend and you don't want to help her. What's up with that?'' Asks Blast.

''Yeah. What's up with that, Ghost?'' I say, just to annoy him; Dylan then shoots me an annoyed look. Mission accomplished.

''If you really follow me, then you won't do it,''' Dylan says, still completely apathetic.

TJ looks at Dylan, then at me and says: ''Well, I guess I don't follow you anymore then. Boys, looks like we've got ourselves a new leader.''

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