Chapter 26

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''What are you doing?'' I say, panicking a little inside, but keeping a steady voice and face.

''What does it look like I'm doing? I'm finishing what I started when we first met,'' He says coldly.

My eyes go wide as I realize what he means. No, no, this can't be happening.

''That's all you ever should've been. My prey,'' He says, his voice hostile.

I try to move, but his hold is too firm. He's got me pinned against the wall so hard, I can barely move my head, much less my body. I'll find a way to get out of this, I say to myself. I have to. And I will. I've got some fighting skills now.

Jonah looks down at my torso and laughs at my futile attempts to get out of his strong grasp. Then he looks into my eyes and says: ''We never should've come with you. It would've been better for us and you. Ghost was right at first. But then you went and clouded his judgement. You turned him against us, his brothers. He's so convinced he loves you, he's forgotten about us. You destroyed our brotherhood, you little bitch.''

''That's not true. He cares about you,'' I manage to utter, but it's hard, because one of his forearms is pressing against my throat. His face is so close that I can feel his disgusting breath on my cheek and it's making my stomach turn.

He looks up and down my body while saying: ''Oh yes, he does. But he's so fascinated by you, so overcome by this love he feels for you, he can't think straight. He's confused by your charm and beauty. I'll admit, you can confuse a man very quickly.''

He again looks me up and down lustfully and laughs.

''But when I'm done with you, you won't be a problem anymore. He'll be Ghost again, my brother. I'll just tell him you disappeared,'' He says.

I realize he won't stop at violating me, he's gonna kill me too.

''He'll never believe you. He won't stop looking for me,'' I hiss through my teeth, still feeling his aggressive hold on me.

''Oh, but he will. He'll give up eventually. And he'll never even know what happened to you,'' He says and laughs cruelly.

He presses himself against me even harder, but releases one hand to grab my pants and pull them down. I try to push him away from me and get out of his grip, but in vain. I am desperate to get out of this situation, but I can't. It's like all the strength has been drained out of me because of knowing what's to come.

After my pants are down just enough, he reaches for his. Suddenly, my mind flashes back to the look on the face of the woman who I saw get raped. But this time, the fact that that's about to happen to me doesn't make me feel dread or horror. No, instead it ignites a fire within me. A fire to fight back. To fight for myself, to fight for her, and for every woman that has had to go through anything like this in this gruesome world. And in the one before.

I gather all my strength and courage and push him back. It's not a lot, but it's enough to give me some space to move. I try to dart to the left to get away, but he grabs me and pulls me back. He slams me back into the wall and slaps me across the face. I feel stinging pain, but I know it's nothing compared to what I will feel if he finishes what he started.

So I fight back even harder. I grab his face with my hand and push my fingers into his eye sockets. I don't really have long nails, but I figure my long fingers will do. But he just grabs my arms and twists them away from him in a swift movement, so that sharp pain spreads through them.

I yell because of the pain, and pray that nothing's broken or twisted. But I quickly recover from his blow and make my own counter-move. I kick him in the groin with all the strength I've got. He reels back, more than I expected. This is my chance, my mind tells me. I want to sprint past him, but because of my slightly lowered pants, I only make it a few steps before he catches up with me and grabs my hand. At least I manage to pull up my pants before he gets a hold of me again.

He twists me around, slaps me again and growls: ''You bitch.''

I feel rage inside me now. He's treating me like I'm his toy or even slave. I'm done being slapped around by him. I let out a sort of a battle cry and kick him in the groin again, harder this time, with a vicious, furious move. I don't think, my body just moves on its own, like it's programmed to make those specific moves.

He bends down a little in pain, but quickly starts regaining his posture. In that moment, I realize there's only one way out for me. He's a grown-ass soldier with a lot more strength and skills than me. I can't possibly overpower him with my bare hands. So while he's still bending down a little, I reach for his gun, grab it and pull it out of its holster.

He catches my hands and we start wrestling for the gun. I think it's somewhere down by our stomachs, but I'm not even sure, because I'm too focused on trying to get it out of his hands. But he's too strong, so he's slowly overpowering me, taking control of the gun. 

Suddenly, I hear a loud bang. I look down to where the gun is and I see blood.

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