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I wake up because of my alarm as I weirdly somehow fell asleep. Now I need to get ready so I can arrive on time to high school... I'm still mad because of what Jihyo did.

I head outside my bedroom to find Jihyo who is about to go inside the bathroom to do her morning routine

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I head outside my bedroom to find Jihyo who is about to go inside the bathroom to do her morning routine. I just look at her with a disgusting face... I don't want to talk never again with her.

-Jihyo: G-Good morning Jannick, about yesterday... I'm sorry. (looks down)
-Jannick: I don't want to hear your annoying voice, make sure that you don't bother me or else I'll kill you! (angry)

I'm not sorry if I'm acting too harsh, I'm Lucifer's son, I'll rule everything and I'll destroy this stupid place! Now let's see what do we have for breakfast~

I can't believe that he's still mad because of that stupid hug, it didn't mean anything at all... I mean, there were not feelings involved. Why did he react like that?

Don't tell me! His weak spot is love?! That's what that meant? Am I supposed to experience love or something like that?! I don't understand... I should focus on protecting everyone and control Jannick, although it's really hard...

How could an archangel make fall for him a hell's prince? It even sounds ridiculous!

Once I'm done doing my morning routine, I head to the kitchen where something smells delicious! Jannick is cooking? Maybe he could share it with me...

-Jihyo: What are you doing? (smiles) -Jannick: Are you blind?! I think it's quite obvious idiot

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-Jihyo: What are you doing? (smiles)
-Jannick: Are you blind?! I think it's quite obvious idiot... Tsk. I already told you, dont get on my way today.
-Jihyo: But... I was wondering if you would share some of that amazing food... (smiles)
-Jannick: If you wait until I put some poison on yours, I'll give it to you gladly. (smirks)
-Jihyo: How rude and cold... Can't you be nicer? (smiles)
-Jannick: You should be thankful that I'm not killing you. Now if you excuse me... I have to leave once I finish my morning routine.

Oh gosh dad, this is going to be impossible... He's not a normal boy, he's not into this things.

I'm about to start cooking something for breakfast when I notice a note near another plate... Is he really going to allow me to have some? One of the rules was that each one would cook his own food... But just in this case... Let's see what the note says.

"Just as a dirt and fool dog, you can have the leftovers. Be thankful that is not poisoned"

Well he has this side after all, dad is this just another signal so you encourage me to accomplish this mission?

Anyways, I have to go to school as well. I get my uniform and head outside the residence where Jannick is already with the rest of his gang.

I should approach Jannick and thank him for the breakfast, right? My dad always taught me to be polite, and so I'm about to do...

I approach him happily and tap his shoulder so he turns around, when he does, I show him mi smile before starting thanking him.

-Jihyo: You know, you are amazing cooking! Thanks for letting me have some of what you cooked for breakfast

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-Jihyo: You know, you are amazing cooking! Thanks for letting me have some of what you cooked for breakfast... (smiles)
-Tae: What?! Jannick allowed you to taste his food... Jan you are mean towards us! You didn't allow me to taste it before... (pouts)
-Jannick: S-Shut up you annoying living thing!

He then pushes me away from him making me stay about 2 meters away... He really doesn't want me around.

-Jin: Don't worry because of his hard attitude, he's just jealous because of how handsome I am... By the way, do you do something after class? (smiles)
-Jihyo: (smiles) Jin-oppa, I'm going on a date with Jannick... I'm sorry, I can meet you.
-Jin: You are going to on a date with Jan?! (jawdrops)
-Nam: What?! But you met like some days ago... It's impossible!

I see how Jannick stops walking and turns around to face us, all of his friends are surprised. They are demons as well, I can't trust anyone... But they think that I'm human, so I have to use that to get closer to Jannick.

-Jannick: What the he'll are you talking about?! I told you-
-Jihyo: You promised me yesterday... (pouts) Are you going to break a promise made with a cute girl like me? (puppy eyes)
-Jimin: Jan, if you made a promise... I think that you should keep it. It's not okay lying... (smiles)
-Jannick: You! (angry) I'll pick you up after class... (starts walking again)

I knew it! He's obligated to act as a human here, it's my chance!
-Jihyo: Fine, I'll wait for you then! (smiles)

I head to where my friends are as they already joined us on our way to school...

She's taking advantage of this situation, she knows that I have to act as a human, and she also knows that my friends doesn't that she's an archangel... Tsk. I hate her from the bottom of my heart... I need to relieve my stress... How?! Maybe I should call my devils...

-Jannick: I'm gonna skip class today, go ahead and create a chaos for me... (smiles)
-Hobi: You are already missing school the second day?! (laughs)
-Jannick: Yeah, I'm gonna hang with someone... (smiles)
-Suga: Are you going to call those four?
-Jannick: Sup, I need to relieve my stress... (smirks)
-Jimin: I thought you would date Jihyo? (confused)
-Jannick: Who do you think I am? (smirks) You are talking with Lucifer's son... Did you seriously believed that I'm going to be loyal or some stupid stuff like that? It's all planned, I'm gonna kill her whenever I have the chance...
-Nam: That makes sense, okay go and have fun... We'll make sure to create a mess in your name... (smiles)

-Jannick: Thanks, now leave

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-Jannick: Thanks, now leave... (smiles)

I get away from them and start calling for my favorite girls... My devils gang. They soon appear in front of me...

-Jennie: Missed us Jan? (smirks)
-Jannick: I always miss you girls... (smiles)
-Jennie: What do you need now? (clings into me)
-Jannick: I just want to have fun, surprise me... (smirks)
-Jennie: Fine, I'll tell Lisa to prepare everything... (smiles)

Okay, I'm already having fun, they are really different from that annoying girl named Jihyo. Heaven's people are just a pain in the ass, meanwhile at hell, we have such beauties who can make you have a great time...

A FIGHT FOR LOVE- JIHYO X MALE READERWhere stories live. Discover now