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I already ended having some fun with this girls... They look really pleased, how horny can human girls be?!

-Jimin: Well girls, that was really fun, thanks for helping me... I feel much better now (smiles)

-Girl 1: Y-Your welcome! (smiles) -Girl 2: Yeah! Tell us whenever you need us~ (smiles) -Jimin: Aw, thanks a lot (smiles) I already love you girls

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-Girl 1: Y-Your welcome! (smiles)
-Girl 2: Yeah! Tell us whenever you need us~ (smiles)
-Jimin: Aw, thanks a lot (smiles) I already love you girls... (sends a flying kiss)
-Girl 2: Kyaa~ I think I already fell for you!
-Girl 1: Same thing! We'll see you later Jimin (smiles)
-Jimin: Yeah, see you later (waves his hands)

How easy, I filmed everything, now we can use those videos to whatever we want... We are such an amazing demons!

I head outside the warehouse to spot Tae walking with the librarian... I wonder what is he doing... I decide to approach them.

-Jimin: Tae! What are you doing? (smiles)
-Tae: Oh, I went to look for the librarian because I found a big box with a lot of books. As it was really heavy I couldn't bring it by myself... (winks)

Oh, I understand now, he's tricking the librarian again. I'm gonna follow his game.

-Jimin: Oh, dont worry about that box, I already brought it to the library with some friends... Just some seconds ago (smiles)
-Librarian: You are such good boys! (smiles) I hope there were more boys like you guys... Anyways, if the box is already at the library, we should return...
-Tae: Yeah, let us go with you (smiles)
-Librarian: Aww, you are so kind (smiles)

I wonder why did he trick the librarian, let's see... We are heading to the library when we pass by Jannick, he looks at me and smirks. I guess he did something, just as I did. I hand him quickly the camera with those girls filmed. He smirks and nods and disappears with the shadows...

We head to the library, and all the floor is already wet and with about 3 fingers of water... The librarian is about to go crazy...

-Librarian: Ah! What happened here?! (panics) Oh my God! What are we going to do?!
-Tae: (acting) What a disaster! It's all my fault, I shouldn't had make you come with me... (worried)

-Librarian: Oh please, don't say so! It's not your fault

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-Librarian: Oh please, don't say so! It's not your fault... But we are gonna need some help... (looking down)
-Jimin: Do you want us to look for help so you can attend this problem? (acting worried)

 (looking down) -Jimin: Do you want us to look for help so you can attend this problem? (acting worried)

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-Librarian: Yes please, thanks boys (smiles)
-Both: Your welcome! (smiles)

Just then we leave the library, of course we are not going to call anyone... We are gonna reunite with Jannick. I guess that he's quite happy because of all what we did today... I'm sure that none of those books will be saved...

I'm waiting near the school's exit, waiting for Jimin and Tae, we already finished our day at school today. We made a good one... I'm really proud, I hope my dad is proud of me as well...

Oh, here they are, they look happy, I guess that they had fun today. After all, not always we can use our tricks with human as our dad don't allow us to be at the surface too much time...

-Jannick: Good job you two~ (smiles)
-Tae: Yeah, it's been a really funny day! Everyone is panicking over everything (laughs)
-Jimin: And those girls, I already have them controlled, at the camera you have them making a good job with my little brother... (smirks)
-Tae: (smacks Jimin's arm) Perv, we don't need to know the details...
-Jimin: I know but... Anyways, what are we going to do now?
-Jannick: Why don't we go to buy some snacks and celebrate at home? (smiles)
-Tae: And our "hyungs"? Are we gonna leave them here at school?
-Jannick: Sup, if I'm not wrong, they didn't create a chaos yet...
-Jimin: Maybe because it's too much for just one day...
-Jannick: You are right, but we are gonna leave them here anyways. Without any of us, the school is a boring place. It needs them (smirks)

-Tae: You are right, let's go for that snacks! Let's party before you go to that date with Jihyo

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-Tae: You are right, let's go for that snacks! Let's party before you go to that date with Jihyo... (smiles)
-Jannick: I'm not gonna go... (shrugs)
-Jimin: Huh? Why not? (smiles)
-Jannick: Cause I don't want to.
-Jimin: But she said that you promised her, shouldn't you keep your words?
-Jannick: I'm hell's prince, do you really think that I'm going to date her? (laughs) It's ridiculous...
-Tae: You could try, after all, she needs to believe that you are a human... And you are sharing the residence. It's obvious that you need to go.
-Jannick: Ugh, I'll think about it... (pissed) Let's buy those snacks.

-Time skip until the classes ends-

-Jimin: Well, we are going to return to our own residence...
-Jannick: Why? You can stay a little bit longer here... (smiles)
-Tae: You need to date Jihyo, c'mon we'll see tomorrow! (waves and smiles)
-Jannick: See you tomorrow... (smiles)

I'm not gonna date Jihyo, I hate her. She's annoying and she always gets in my way, not to mention that she made me cry my hugging me...

I look through the window and is about to rain. She's not going to wait for me, of course she won't. She'll head back home like a smart girls...

I should play video games while waiting for her to return back home... She's gonna be here in no time...

-Time skip half hour later-

Why is she not here yet?! She should had returned already! There's no way that she's still waiting for me, right?

Ugh, why am I even worrying about her?! Tsk. What a pain in the ass... But, today I made a lot of bad things, if I do one good thing, it won't mean anything... I think that I'm going to look for her after all.

I grab the umbrella and start heading to the school, it's already raining hard. If she's still waiting for me, I'm gonna call her idiot, she's literally a fool if she's waiting for me... Tsk.

A FIGHT FOR LOVE- JIHYO X MALE READERWhere stories live. Discover now