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We just arrive to heaven to find out a lot of demons and hell's monster fighting against a lot of gods, angels, archangels... But, where's Jihyo?!

-Jannick: I have to find Jihyo! (serious)
-Atenea: No, you need to find your father and kill him.
-Jannick: Kill my own father?!
-Atenea: You know that he's not a good type... Save us all and kill him, please (serious begging)
-Jannick: Ugh, fine! (serious)

I start looking around heaven, avoiding as monsters and demons as possible until I hear Jihyo's voice

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I start looking around heaven, avoiding as monsters and demons as possible until I hear Jihyo's voice... She sounds hurted, I need to find her!

I follow her voice and I find my dad about to kill her, of course I'm not gonna allow such thing. I said that I would protect her and that I would kill anyone who dared to touch her, that includes him!

-Jannick: You better be getting away from her right now! (angry)
-Lucifer: (turns around) Jannick? What are you doing here? Did you decide yo join me after all? (smiles)
-Jannick: You wished! You know exactly why did I come... (serious)
-Lucifer: Oh c'mon, don't look at me with that serious face... I'm your dad after all, right? (smiles) After all, I'm the only one who cared for you... (smirks)
-Jihyo: Jannick, dont listen to him! (worried and hurted)
-Jannick: Jihyo, are you hurted? (worries)
-Jihyo: Don't worry about him and focus on him right now...
-Jannick: But you-
-Jihyo: I'll be okay as long as you are here... (smiles)
-Jannick: Jihyo... (smiles) Good, I'll take care of him first!
-Lucifer: How disgusting, I really would had preferred to see you with Jennie rather than this annoying girl...
-Jannick: You, shut it! I'm the only one who can call her annoying... Tsk.
-Lucifer: You can't be with her, you don't know what is love... You would end up hurting her anyways... (smirks) After all, you grew up between hate, annoyance, snub, disdain... I could keep on, you know that no one will ever accept you. And you know perfectly why... (laughs) Jannick, you are Lucifer's son, you are the hell's prince!
-Jannick: But I'm not like you! (pushes Lucifer) I'm not like you and I won't ever be! Do you think that because of my past I'm gonna obey you and destroy everything as uoh wish?! I'm not gonna do such thing! (angry) I don't care if no one accepts me! It's worst to accomplish your orders and see everyone suffering!

 (laughs) Jannick, you are Lucifer's son, you are the hell's prince!-Jannick: But I'm not like you! (pushes Lucifer) I'm not like you and I won't ever be! Do you think that because of my past I'm gonna obey you and destroy everything as uoh wish?!...

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-Lucifer: What's with this aura of yours?! (confused)
-Jannick: You know perfectly what I really am, you know that I'm not just a demon... I'm also a Goddess' son! (angry)
-Lucifer: That bitch already told you?! (pissed) Well, it doesn't matter... She didn't care about you anyways... (smirks) You are not a wished kid, and there's no love for you! (hits me)

I start bleeding, this is the first time that I seriously face him... He's really strong after all. I'm not surprised of everyone being scared of him...

-Lucifer: (laughs) You look pathetic right now! Do you seriously pretend to kill me in that state?! (smirks) You are not gonna be able... I'll kill you first!

He's about to hit me again when Jihyo gets on his way, and tells him that she wants to tell me some last words...

-Lucifer: Some last words, huh? (laughs) Go ahead, you are always this disgusting with love things and so... Your souls are gonna be tortured down back at hell anyways... (shrugs)

Jihyo gets near me and while smiling, she teases me... Why does she has to be this annoying even at this moment?!

-Jihyo: Jannick, you look horrible... Too pale and hurted! (chuckles)

 Too pale and hurted! (chuckles)

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-Jannick: Look who talks... The one with a broken wing... (coughs)
-Jihyo: You know that this is not the end, right? (smiles) You are not alone, you have me, you have your friends, you have all the girls, the teachers, even God is by your side right now... (giggles) And I... You know that I love you, there's love for you, of course!

She gets closer and kisses me, my dad looks terrified by that action, and I can understand why. I feel my body healing really fast, and suddenly feeling stronger. From no where some grey wings spread at my back, what's going on?!

-Lucifer: Fuck! You said it would be just some words! (angry)
-Jihyo: And its been just some words, with a lot of love for him... (smiles)
-Lucifer: You are crazy! He has his full power now! (scared) He can end with everything!
-Jannick: Are you afraid of me dad? (smirks) You are gonna pay for everything you did! (angry)

I start moving around him to tease him and confuse him a bit, this power is amazing, I feel like moving at lights' speed or even faster!

Jihyo is smiling at me, she had all her hopes on me right now, I can't disappoint her! I start hitting my dad as much, fast, and hard as I can... He is starting to feel weak...

He can't move at the same speed that I do, so it's impossible for him to block my attacks. I need to end with him soon, having all this power is really tiring...

I attack him directly and I get through his chest stealing his heart with my hand... I pull my hand out, and it is still beating... He looks terrified with that hole at his chest...

I quickly throw his heart away because, it's disgusting! Now I'm all dirt with blood... I really look like a demon, but can I say that I acted like an angel?!

-Lucifer: Stupid! We are going to dissappear now because of your fault! (angry disappears)

Jihyo runs to me and hugs me, how good to see her smiling once again... This is what she deserves. I look around and all the monsters and demons are dissappearing... I look to myself, and I'm starting to disappear as well... Fuck! I'm sorry Jihyo!

-Jihyo: Jannick! Jannick! Don't disappear idiot! (starts crying)
-Jannick: Don't cry Jihyo... Don't cry... (smiles)
-Jihyo: Why are you smiling?! You are about to dissappear!
-Jannick: But I'm happy... (smiles) I... I got to love and to be loved at least once...
-Jihyo: (hugs me) Jannick! (cries)

And then, I disappear. I'm really sorry Jihyo, all the hell's living beings, dissappear right after their creator... As known as Lucifer, I already knew that I would disappear if I killed him. But this is the best option.

(credits to the owner of this amazing pic!)

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(credits to the owner of this amazing pic!)

A FIGHT FOR LOVE- JIHYO X MALE READERWhere stories live. Discover now