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I arrive to the school, and yeah she's here, is she a total idiot or what?! Can't she use her brain for once?! I can't believe that she's an archangel... I approach her with the umbrella to make sure she doesn't get wetter than what she already is...

-Jihyo: How rude arriving late on our first date... (smiles while looking down)
-Jannick: You are crazy! Why did you wait for me?! You know you could just ahd returned home... Tsk.
-Jihyo: But I knew that you would come... (smiles) I'm glad that I wasn't wrong (looking straight to my eyes)

What's with this feeling? Why do I feel so guilty suddenly?! She always makes me feel in a weird way, that's why I hate her.

-Jannick: (sighs) You shouldn't expect that kind of stuff from Lucifer's son

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-Jannick: (sighs) You shouldn't expect that kind of stuff from Lucifer's son...
-Jihyo: I had the feeling that you would show up anyways... (smiles)
-Jannick: Tsk. Let's return home, you are all wet...
-Jihyo: Okay, let's have our date at home then... (smiles and gets closer)
-Jannick: W-What are you doing? (nervous)
-Jihyo: How do you pretend to fit under the umbrella then? You know, you could had brought another one with you... (laughs)
-Jannick: Righ, how can I be this idiot?! (sighs) Okay, let's sure the umbrella but just this time... Understood?
-Jihyo: We'll see on our upcoming dates... (smiles)
-Jannick: There are not going to be more dates... Are you stupid? Did you forget what are we? (rolls his eyes)
-Jihyo: I didn't, but I want more dates still...
-Jannick: You can't be serious...
-Jihyo: I am, let's date! (smiles)
-Jannick: You wished... (sighs)
-Jihyo: Fine, I won't stop going after you and I'll tell the principal who did the big mess... (teasing)
-Jannick: Did you see it?! (smiles) It was amazing! How bad that I couldn't see everyone's faces... (chuckles)
-Jihyo: Woah, you actually know how to smile... (chuckles)
-Jannick: (blushes) S-Shut up! I wasn't smiling... It was an evil skirk you idiot... Tsk.
-Jihyo: Whatever, you have a beautiful smile... (giggles)
-Jannick: (blushes) I told you to shut up... (sighs embarrassed)

We then finally arrive to home, and she rushes to her room to change her clothes... Ugh, this has been the most stupid and useless thing that I have ever done. I'm not going to repeat...

-Jihyo: Okay, I'm done changing! What are we going to do? (smiles)
-Jannick: You can do whatever you want, I'm gonna be at my room...
-Jihyo: Hey, we have a date! (pouts)
-Jannick: And? Can't we date without seeing each other? (sighs and rolls his eyes)
-Jihyo: Have you ever date someone?
-Jannick: I didn't cause I don't like to waste my time with stupid things...
-Jihyo: Then you don't know on what consists a date... (smiles) How bad if you don't accept, all the fun will be just for me...
-Jannick: You are not going to trick me, there's no fun with you.
-Jihyo: Ugh, you are so rude... Don't you ever think about how I feel when you say those meaningful things to me? (serious and kind of sad)

 Don't you ever think about how I feel when you say those meaningful things to me? (serious and kind of sad)

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-Jannick: W-Why would I think about your feelings, huh?! You are my enemy after all... Oh, and talking about that... You better take if this bracelet because I need my powers back! (pissed)
-Jihyo: I'm not gonna take off your bracelet until...
-Jannick: Until what!? (angry)
-Jihyo: Until you fall for me.
-Jannick: Huh?! W-What do you mean by "falling for you"? (confused)
-Jihyo: Fall in love (smiles) Aren't you curious about how it feels being in love? (giggles)
-Jannick: No I'm not. I'm curious about what face will have God once I kill him! (smiles) Aish, that sounds like a wonderful dream for me...
-Jihyo: Well, then you are gonna keep with that bracelet for the rest of your life... (shrugs)
-Jannick: Hey you! You better take the bracelet off! Seriously... Tsk.
-Jihyo: I told you what to do...
-Jannick: Okay, okay... Jihyo I love you. Take off my bracelet now.
-Jihyo: It doesn't work this way, it's has to be real... I want a honest love (smiles) I have to fall for you as well, so do your best!

This can't be happening to me! An archangel and Lucifer's son in love with each other, she has gone mad! I'm not going to fall for her never!

-Jannick: I hate you. You know what?! I'm not gonna wait for you to take off the bracelet, I don't need my powers at all... I'm gonna end with everything without them. (angry)

I start heading towards the exit of our flat... She seems to be following me...

-Jihyo: Where are you going? What about our date? (smiles)
-Jannick: Leave me alone! Fuck you crazy annoying stupid idiot living thing! I can't handle you! Damn, I wished I didn't meet you... I'm leaving! (really angry)
-Jihyo: W-Where are you going? (worried)
-Jannick: Wherever I'm not with you! (shouting)

I see her starting to tear up, bug I don't give a fuck for her... Tsk. I'm gonna look for another place to stay, that way I don't need to deal with her anymore...

I head outside without an umbrella so I get all wet. Its raining hard still... Tsk. I keep on walking until I arrive to an abandoned factory. I'm gonna stay here from now on... I like this kind of dark and solitary places.

I'm gonna call my devils to have fun here, I need to forget about that stupid Jihyo

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I'm gonna call my devils to have fun here, I need to forget about that stupid Jihyo.

Why does he need to be this rude?! He really hurts me... I think it's impossible to accomplish this mission... We won't fall for each other never... He really hates me, and he's going to destroy everything even if I don't take off his bracelet... I wonder where's him now...

Why am I still worrying about him? This is not going anywhere... I need to get over him and try to end with him in another way...

I'm gonna meet my archangela to ask how's the mission going, I guess that they should had started dating already... Love is something wonderful!

-God: How are you doing my dear and loyal archangels? (smiles)
-Raphael: We have problems sir, Jihyo ended up crying and Jannick is really angry... He could destroy us in a Blink right now... (worried)
-God: H-How is that possible? (confused) But this time, they should had started dating... (face palms)
-Gabriel: I told you that that kid is dangerous... Now look at my daughter she's really broken... (worried)
-Miguel: Maybe we should just start a war against them... (suggesting)
-God: If we could win that war we would had started it already... But we can't. Jannick is the most powerful living thing that exists... He can end with me as well...
-Miguel: Then, what are we going to do?
-God: We really need to make Jihyo and Jannick fall in love...
-Gabriel: That's not possible! We already tried! I'm not gonna allow to put in danger my daughter anymore...
-God: Gabriel please, it's the only way we have to save everyone!
-Raphael: But how are we going to do so?
-God: Jannick will fall for her sooner or later... I'm sure of it.

A FIGHT FOR LOVE- JIHYO X MALE READERWhere stories live. Discover now