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I'm walking with my friends to school, and I decide to turn around to check on Jannick's gang. Once I do it, I notice that he's not around anymore... Where the hell did he go?!
-Jihyo: Where's Jannick?!
-Dahyun: Oh, did you became his friend already? (smiles)
-Jihyo: Kind of... We are having a date after school... (smiles proudly)

-Tzuyu: And why is he with those girls then? (points to Jannick who is followed by four girls clinging on him) -Nayeon: Are you gonna date a cheater? How weird

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-Tzuyu: And why is he with those girls then? (points to Jannick who is followed by four girls clinging on him)
-Nayeon: Are you gonna date a cheater? How weird...
-Jihyo: Uhm, can you excuse me for a moment? (smiles)
-Chaeyoung: But classes are about to start...
-Jihyo: I need to solve Jannick's problem first (smiles)

I then get away from my friends and start heading towards Jannick. I can't believe it! He got mad because I hugged him but he's okay with that girls clinging on him?! Tsk, he's gonna learn some things from Park Jihyo.

-Jihyo: Jannick! (angry)
-Jannick: Not now annoying thing... (rolls his eyes)
-Jihyo: Why are you okay with them clinging on you and you got mad when I hugged you?!
-Jannick: Because you are repulsive to me... Be thankful that I didn't kill you already after what you told my friends...
-Jihyo: What? Are you ashamed of dating a pretty girl like me? (smirks)
-Jannick: Pfft, please little bug, are you still mad?! I have this evil beauties with me... I don't need ya... Just leave me alone before I get out of my nerve...
-Jihyo: No way! You are now heading to school with me!
-Jannick: You wished! Leave me alone! (angry)
-Jihyo: (grabs his hand) Let's go! Now!
-Jannick: (pushes her hand away harshly) Leave me alone! (pissed) Don't you dare to touch me, damn!
-Jihyo: Come with me then.
-Jannick: I'm not comming with you...
-Jihyo: (sighs) You looked for this.

I grab his ear and start pulling it making him follow me... There's no other option.

-Jannick: Stop! Let me go right now!
-Jihyo: You are coming to school!
-Jannick: You are talking to hell's prince.
-Jihyo: And you are talking to my hand as I'm not listening to you... (smiles)
-Jannick: I swear I'll kill you!
-Jihyo: If you try to kill me I'll kiss you (serious)
-Jannick: (stops walking) W-What did you just say?!
-Jihyo: I'll- Kiss - You (smiles)
-Jannick: (smirks) You let go...
-Jihyo: And? (proud)
-Jannick: You forgot about my powers... (smirks)


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A FIGHT FOR LOVE- JIHYO X MALE READERWhere stories live. Discover now