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We arrive to the hell and my dad is already waiting for me... How is it possible for him to know that I would come now? I mean, he's not looking at me all the time, right?

-Jannick: D-Dad? (confused)
-Lucifer: Welcome back Jannick, it's been 6 months since you left... It's hard being a human, right? (smiles)
-Jannick: Not at all... It's not been as bad as I thought it would...
-Lucifer: Oh, and why is that...?
-Jannick: Well, I had fun creating the chaos at the school... I even flooded the library... (smiles)
-Lucifer: Wow, you flooded the library, you left home to destroy everything and return saying that you flooded a library. How should I feel about it?! (pissed)
-Jannick: I'm sorry dad, if you give me more time, I swear that I'll-
-Lucifer: That you'll be with that archangel?! (laughs) Oh Jannick, you actually believed that love thing, didn't you? It's all fake!
-Jannick: It's not fake! Jihyo is the first one to judge me by how I am and not who I am! (angry)

 How should I feel about it?! (pissed)-Jannick: I'm sorry dad, if you give me more time, I swear that I'll--Lucifer: That you'll be with that archangel?! (laughs) Oh Jannick, you actually believed that love thing, didn't you? It's all fake!-Jannic...

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-Lucifer: I can't believe what I'm hearing! (laughs) But don't worry son, if you can't accomplish what I told you to do, I'll do it by myself... Girls, lock him at his cage!
-Lisa: It'll be a pleasure! (smiles)
-Jannick: Don't listen to him! Hey, you can't do this to me!
-Jisoo: You promised us something and now you come saying that you fell for an archangel... It's pathetic! (angry)
-Rosé: We believed your words, and now I'm so sorry but we have to do this (locks me inside the cage)
-Jennie: Well babe, until you turn to be yourself... You are gonna stay here.
-Jannick: Let me out Jennie, please!
-Jennie: Jan, your face panicking is one of my favorites too (smiles) look, I'll be the one killing that Jihyo who made this to you. And after so- (I grab her collar)
-Jannick: If you dare to touch her, I'll kill you without hesitating! (angry)
-Jennie: (coughs)
-Lisa: Jan, let her go! (pulls my arm until I let Jennie go) Were you seriously going to kill her?! (angry)
-Jannick: I'll kill anyone who tries to kill Jihyo! (screams)
-Lucifer: Well, let's start our war! (smirks)

-Meanwhile at heaven-
I arrive as fast as possible as I really need to talk with my dad, I need him to help me.

-Jihyo: Dad! Please, dad! Help me!
-Gabriel: Jihyo! What are you doing here?! (surprised)
-Jihyo: War is about to start! (panics)
-Miguel: I knew it! That boy was dangerous after all! (angry)
-Jihyo: No, it's not Jannick! It's his father, he brought him back to the hell... Jannick doesn't know who he truly is!

-Gabriel: Keep calm, he's the prince down there

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-Gabriel: Keep calm, he's the prince down there... I'm sure that he's okay and-
-Jihyo: He's not! Dad we are in love with each other and he left to protect me!
-Raphael: What's all this noise?! We are with our sir God... (smiles) Please be calmed-
-God: What are you doing here Jihyo?! You were supposed to be with Jannick!
-Jihyo: Lucifer has him down there at hell... War is about to start! (worried)
-God: We have problems... Does that kid know about who he really is?!
-Jihyo: I didn't manage to tell him... (looks down)
-God: Jihyo make his mother go for him to hell, she needs to accept that he's her son...
-Jihyo: Okay, what are you going to do sir?
-God: We are going to face Lucifer during as time as possible... (sighs) If we get to bring Jannick with us, we'll be save. If not, this is the end.

I start looking through all the heaven for Atenea, she needs to accept Jannick as her son... If she doesn't rescue him and show him from where does he come, we are not gonna make it! We need to save everyone!

I then find Hermes, he explains me that Atenea doesn't want to know anything about this problem.

-Jihyo: We are all in danger if she doesn't help us! (panics)
-Hermes: Really? What happens? (confused)
-Jihyo: Lucifer... He's coming!
-Hermes: W-What?!
-Apolo: And I heard that his son is even more powerful than God... We are not gonna make it!
-Jihyo: We will, if Atenea works with us! Please, help me to find her!
-Hermes: Listen everyone, bring Atenea here! We have serious problems!
-Apolo: How are we going to kill Lucifer's son?! (stressed)
-Jihyo: We don't need to kill him, this is a fight for love! He's my... He's my lover!
-Aphrodita: An archangel going out with Lucifer's son?!
-Jihyo: He's not what he looks like... We need to give Jannick a chance to show his kind side!
-Apolo: As if it was possible! We need to kill him!
-Jihyo: Please don't! Bring Atenea, that's all we need...

After a while, someone tell us that Lucifer already arrived

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After a while, someone tell us that Lucifer already arrived. If he's here, he's not going to allow me to tell Atenea... I have to find her soon...

Just then, she seems to appear, finally.

-Atenea: Why are you looking for me?!
-Jihyo: You need to save your son, Jannick. Seriously I extremely necessary to-
-Atenea: I don't have any son, I'm not going to-
-Jihyo: Please, Jannick is not like Lucifer... He's a really good boy, but everyone hates him, no one gives him a chance...
-Atenea: And I'm not gonna accept him neither, he's not a wished kid. That bastard of Lucifer raped me!
-Jihyo: He's still your son... And he needs you now more than anytime! Please, please save Jannick... He's locked at hell...
-Atenea: Why do you defend the hell's Prince?
-Jihyo: I gave him a chance, and although he was rude at first, I discovered that he's a really good boy... (sighs) I love him.
-Atenea: Buah I really didn't expect that-
-Jennie: And no one expected it... Now you bitchy shut named Jihyo, we have to talk about Jan, he's mine! (smirks)
-Jihyo: Please Atenea save him, he's the one going to (Jennie attacks her)
-Atenea: Jihyo!
-Jihyo: J-Just go! I can handle this...
-Jennie: I'm not that easy to defeat you know? (smirks)

And then, Atenea dissappeared, for now I have to focus on facing Jennie, I hope that she really saves Jannick

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And then, Atenea dissappeared, for now I have to focus on facing Jennie, I hope that she really saves Jannick. Cause I can't do anything more!

A FIGHT FOR LOVE- JIHYO X MALE READERWhere stories live. Discover now