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I really hope that Jihyo is okay, I swear if someone touch her, I'll kill them, I won't forgive anyone!

JANNICK'S POVI really hope that Jihyo is okay, I swear if someone touch her, I'll kill them, I won't forgive anyone!

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-Rosé: Jan, do you want something to eat? (smiles)
-Jannick: I don't want anything for any of you... I want to go out of this cage! (angry)
-Jisoo: There's no sense on talking with him now, we need the other Jan, the one who promised us a world. (pissed)
-Jannick: He won't come anymore, because that Jan never existed! I didn't feel anything for any of you... Not even once! (angry)
-Rosé: That's not true, you told us that we were your girls...
-Jannick: What could you expect from hell's prince? Of course I tricked you four... Tsk.
-Rosé: I don't believe you, I don't believe you! (angry)
-Jannick: Believe whatever you want, I already said the truth...

I sit down looking at the floor, I don't want to talk with them anymore. And suddenly the alarm sounds, it means that someone came here! Is it Jihyo?!

-Jisoo: Fuck! Who the fuck dared to enter the hell?
-Rosé: I wonder the same thing--Oh my fucking demon, it's a Goddess!
-Jisoo: Why did a Goddess come to hell?! It doesn't make sense!
-Goddess: I know that it doesn't make sense... But you have something mine down here... (pissed)
-Jisoo: Oh really, what do we have?! (angry)
-Goddess: You have my son locked! (angry)
-Rosé: Your son?! (confused)

Who the hell did this two locked as well?! Didn't they have enough with locking me?! Tsk, they are truly devils...

-Goddess: Yeah, my son, or as you know him... Jannick, Lucifer's son...

Wait a minute, she's talking about me?! I'm a Goddess' son?! It's impossible, she didn't care for me not even once... I didn't even know that I had a mother... Wait, is this what Jihyo meant back then?

-Jannick: You are my mother?! (confused)
-Goddess: Yes, I'm Atenea, your mother Jannick... (looks serious)
-Jannick: That's impossible, you didn't care about me not even once! I don't have any mother... (starts crying)

Wait a minute! Why am I crying?! Maybe it's the pain of knowing that not even my own mother loves me

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Wait a minute! Why am I crying?! Maybe it's the pain of knowing that not even my own mother loves me...

-Atenea: I have my reasons Jannick, I know that I've been a horrible mother... Well I didn't even act as a mother, but I need you to forgive me... I'll be honest with you, you were not a wished son... (looks down)
-Jannick: What do you mean, am I an accident?! (pissed)
-Atenea: No, you are fruit of your father, known as Lucifer, raping me...
-Jannick: H-He raped you?! (confused)
-Atenea: Of course, he wanted to have a really powerful and strong heir for his revenge, that's why he had you!
-Jannick: He's a bastard... I'm not a wished kid, and I'm not even loved by my own parents... (kneels down) What am I supposed to do now?
-Atenea: You have to come with me, everyone needs you... You are the one going to save us all... (smiles) Come with me son, I promise to be a good mother from now on-
-Jannick: I don't need your love, just make as if we were strangers...
-Atenea: But, you are my son... Jannick, you should come with me and-
-Jannick: I'll go, but I won't act as your son because I'm not. For me it's like if I didn't have parents. (serious) Get me out of this cage...
-Jisoo: She'll need to go over us to do so! (angry)
-Rosé: We are totally ready to face a Goddess!
-Atenea: You wanted it! (starts fighting)

-Meanwhile at heaven-
Jennie is seriously a dangerous enemy, if I don't focus she's gonna hurt me so badly, why does she hate me this much?

-Jihyo: Why do you hate me this much? (serious)

-Jihyo: Why do you hate me this much? (serious)

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-Jennie: Do I really need to explain... You are really stupid, even more than what I thought... (laughs)
-Jihyo: Hey, I'm talking seriously! I didn't do anything to you!
-Jennie: Do you seriously think so?! You stole my own future! (pissed)
-Jihyo: Huh?! (confused) How would I do so?
-Jennie: Jannick was supposed to be mine, I was going to be by his side when he ruled the world... (looks down) But you made him fall for you! (shouts)
-Jihyo: He said there were no feelings involved with his devils... So technically, he didn't love you-
-Jennie: (hits Jihyo) Don't ever say so again! It already hurts thinking that he doesn't look at me the same way that I look at him! (angry)
-Jihyo: Y-You are in love with him? (surprised) I didn't know that devils could feel something like that too...
-Jennie: There's a lot of things that you don't know about us! (throws fire) That's why you can't be with him!
-Jihyo: (Jihyo's wing gets broken) Ugh!
-Jennie: What happens? (smirks) Didn't your parents show you not to play with fire? (laughs)
-Jihyo: Ugh, it really hurts! (groans)
-Jennie: That's exactly like your love with Jannick, you are playing with fire... (smirks)

(A: Sorry guys, I had to put it...😂)

-Jihyo: You know what?! I think you four were the one playing with fire... Jannick really loves me!
-Lucifer: And that's exactly the problem... (laughs) Let's, you are my son's lover? Uhm... Too good people for him! I'm gonna end with you, you destroyed my best plan! (angry) A whole life taking care and training that little brat, just because in six months, a stupid archangel makes him fall for her... That's not good~ (smirks)
-Jennie: Do you want me to leave her for you? (smiles)
-Lucifer: Yeah, I'll be the one killing her... (smirks) Don't take it personal dear, you got in my way, and I'm just gonna push you away again...

This is bad, this is really bad, I'm gonna die if I fight Lucifer... And I also have a broken wing, how am I going to succeed?! It's impossible for me...

-Gabriel: Lucifer! Don't you ever dare to touch my daughter!
-Jihyo: Dad! (smiles) Go away, he's dangerous!
-Lucifer: Oh my, Gabriel... Long time no see... (smiles) This is your daughter? Let me tell you that she's totally a pain in the ass just like you... (laughs)
-Gabriel: Get away from her Lucifer! (angry)
-Lucifer: Aww, do you seriously expect me to don't kill her? (laughs) Because of her this is now a mess... The one supposed to kill you all was Jannick, my son... Sadly, he fell in love with her... Now I need to get my revenge, if you excuse me... (smiles) Lisa, Jennie, end with all the archangels here!
-Both: Yeah! (serious)

 (smiles) Lisa, Jennie, end with all the archangels here! -Both: Yeah! (serious)

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